The library inspired by AndroidSourceViewer
And written by Kotlin on the JetBrains IDE tha under the opensource license.
It's built with the Gradle and rewritten by kotlin, that's why it's a new repo but not pr.
In the rewriting, I have added some features too.
- You can view Android Open Source in the ide And link the native method to native code.
- Support Quick Search by google/bing/github/stackoverflow
- Quick Open Android CodeSearch/Dev Reference by the Browser.
I found this is a terrible pattern to find the file path from the psi framework after the first commit. I will do more works to solve the psi problem. Who with relevant practical experience can help me.
- get lsf files by: git lfs fetch --all
- get the latest aosp git repo and add the path to the environment variable as AOSP_PATH
- run the test code generator the versions/mapping...
- run the build command
- create db by DBGenerator tools.
- ./gradlew runIde
- ./gradlew publishPlugin
- View native method by click c++ image,but I can't support int native auto jump between dif files
for c/c++ psi.
- You can compare diff version source.
Download android-AOSP-source from the raw remote.
Quick Android Reference
Quick Search by the mouse right click.
- stackoverflow
More works.
- auto jump to the source line.
- linker more action in the aosp source.
- add native jni mapping db.
- add java class/method mapping db.
- support custom quick search menu.
- diff android version. many files location is changed.
- support buildSearchableOptions
The package/filenames is very different. I create a scripts generate db by load all files.
- RepoTools use for checkout the diff commit ref's native files.
- NativeDBGenerator native db sql
- JavaDBGenerator java db sql
The project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.