Testing helm charts was always a challenge and the missing key word in the helm ecosystem, and that's where helm-unit
comes in the place, it provides the ability to run unit-test on your helm chart templates locally without installing anything on your cluster.
- Validate & render chart locally without deploying anything on your cluster.
- Write unit test scenario in YAML format.
- Define all unit-test files in a directory.
- Run and Load all unit-test files defined in a directory.
- Create a pre-check which evaluates all preconisations of k8s.
- Helm v3.1 or later installed on a your system
- Access to k8s cluster
Install the latest version:
$ helm plugin install https://github.com/HamzaZo/helm-unit
Install a specific version:
$ helm plugin install https://github.com/HamzaZo/helm-unit --version 0.1.5
You can also verify it's been installed using:
$ helm plugin list
Running helm unit
- Will validate and render
locally. - Run all tests defined in
directory on[CHART-DIR]
$ helm unit -h
usage: helm unit [CHART-DIR] [TEST-DIR]
Run unit-test on chart locally without deloying the release.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--chart CHART-PATH Specify chart directory
--tests TESTS-PATH Specify Unit tests directory
--version Print version information
support the following asserts types :
Assert | Params [Required] | type | Description | Example Usage |
equal |
values A set of values to validate path The path to assert value The expected value |
map string string |
Affirm the value of the specified path equal to the value. | type: equal |
notEqual |
values A set of values to validate path The path to assert value The expected value |
map string string |
Affirm the value of the specified path NOT equal to the value. | type: notEqual |
contains |
values A set of values to validate path The path to assert value The expected value |
map string string |
Asserting that the value of the specified path contains the content of the value. | type: contains |
notContains |
values A set of values to validate path The path to assert value The expected value |
map string string |
Asserting that the value of the specified path does NOT contains the content of the value. | type: notContains |
isEmpty |
values A set of values to validate. path The path to assert |
map string |
Assert the value of the specified path is empty | type: isEmpty |
isNotEmpty |
values A set of values to validate. path The path to assert |
map string |
Assert the value of the specified path is NOT empty. | type: isNotEmpty |
notMatchValue |
values A set of values to validate path The path to assert pattern The regex pattern to match |
map string string |
Asserting that the value of the specified path match pattern. | type: notMatchValue |
matchValue |
values A set of values to validate path The path to assert pattern The regex pattern to match |
map string string |
Asserting that the value of the specified path does NOT match pattern. | type: matchValue |
Writing unit test files it's easy as writing a kubernetes manifest in YAML format. helm-unit
can load and run a single unit-test file or a bunch of tests file placed in a specific directory by using --tests
flags of cli.
We will use the sample-front chart as an example use case. We defined a several test scenario to run on frontend chart as follow:
Example of test file for Deployment
- description: Run the following test on deployment
type: Deployment
name: sample-front
- name: check if we use the right number of replicas
type: equal
- path: spec.replicas
value: 1
- name: check that container image does not using latest as tag
type: notMatchValue
- path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image
pattern: latest$
- name: validate that serviceAccount Name exist
type: isNotEmpty
- path: spec.template.spec.serviceAccountName
- name: validate container port value
type: equal
- path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort
value: 80
- name: ensure that cpu/memory resources were set
type: isNotEmpty
- path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].resources
- name: check that deployment metadata do not contains this labels
type: notContains
- path: metadata.labels
value: "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm"
- name: ensure that deployment does not have security context
type: isEmpty
- path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext
Example of test file for Ingress
- description: Run the following test on Ingress
type: Ingress
name: sample-front-ing
- name: affirm that /api uri is exposed by ingress
type: contains
- path: spec.rules[*].http.paths[*].path
value: /api
- name: check that metadata labels are set and not empty
type: isNotEmpty
- path: metadata.labels
Example of test file for Service
- description: Run the following test on service
type: Service
name: sample-front-svc
- name: check if service listen on the right port
type: equal
- path: spec.ports[0].port
value: 80
- name: ensure that service forward traffic to the right pod port
type: equal
- path: spec.ports[0].targetPort
value: http
- name: verify that service is using these labels as selector
type: contains
- path: metadata.labels
- "app.kubernetes.io/name: sample-front"
- "app.kubernetes.io/instance: tmp"
- name: check if service is not exposed outside of the cluster
type: equal
- path: spec.type
value: ClusterIP
Run test
$ helm unit --chart example/sample-front --tests example/unit-test
√ Detecting Helm 3 : PASS
√ Validating chart syntax..
==> Linting example/sample-front
---> Applying test-service.yaml file..
==> Running Tests on sample-front-svc Service ..
√ check if service listen on the right port : PASS
√ ensure that service forward traffic to the right pod port : PASS
√ verify that service is using these labels as selector app.kubernetes.io/name: sample-front: PASS
√ verify that service is using these labels as selector app.kubernetes.io/instance: tmp: PASS
√ check if service is not exposed outside of the cluster : PASS
---> Applying test-ingress.yaml file..
==> Running Tests on sample-front-ing Ingress ..
√ affirm that /api uri is exposed by ingress : PASS
√ check that metadata labels are set and not empty : PASS
---> Applying test-deployment.yaml file..
==> Running Tests on sample-front Deployment ..
√ check if we use the right number of replicas : PASS
√️ check that container image does not using latest as tag : PASS
X validate that serviceAccount Name exist : FAILED
√ validate container port value : PASS
X ensure that cpu/memory resources were set : FAILED
️√ check that deployment metadata do not contains this labels : PASS
√ ensure that deployment does not have security context : PASS
==> Unit Tests Summary:
Number of executed tests : 5
Number of success tests : 5
Number of failed tests : 0
Number of executed tests : 2
Number of success tests : 2
Number of failed tests : 0
Number of executed tests : 7
Number of success tests : 5
Number of failed tests : 2
+-------------------------+ Happy Helming testing day! +-------------------------+
The idea of asserts type was inspired by helm-unittest
PRs are welcome.