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Deprecate TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE (mom-ocean#819)
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herrwang0 authored Jan 31, 2025
1 parent d6f3fa0 commit b239629
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Showing 2 changed files with 19 additions and 32 deletions.
25 changes: 9 additions & 16 deletions src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_self_attr_load.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,10 +190,9 @@ subroutine SAL_init(G, GV, US, param_file, CS)
real :: rhoE ! The average density of Earth [R ~> kg m-3].
character(len=200) :: filename, ebot_ref_file, inputdir ! Strings for file/path
character(len=200) :: ebot_ref_varname ! Variable name in file
logical :: calculate_sal=.false.
logical :: tides=.false., use_tidal_sal_file=.false., bq_sal_tides_bug=.false.
integer :: tides_answer_date=99991231 ! Recover old answers with tides
real :: sal_scalar_value, tide_sal_scalar_value ! Scaling SAL factors [nondim]
logical :: calculate_sal, tides, use_tidal_sal_file
integer :: tides_answer_date ! Recover old answers with tides
real :: sal_scalar_value ! Scaling SAL factors [nondim]
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed

isd = G%isd ; ied = G%ied ; jsd = G%jsd ; jed = G%jed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,18 +244,12 @@ subroutine SAL_init(G, GV, US, param_file, CS)
if (CS%use_sal_scalar .and. CS%use_bpa) &
call MOM_error(WARNING, trim(mdl) // ", SAL_init: Using bottom pressure anomaly for scalar "//&
"approximation SAL is unsubstantiated.")
call get_param(param_file, '', "TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE", tide_sal_scalar_value, &
units="m m-1", default=0.0, do_not_log=.True.)
if (tide_sal_scalar_value/=0.0) &
call MOM_error(WARNING, "TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE is a deprecated parameter. "//&
"Use SAL_SCALAR_VALUE instead." )
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SAL_SCALAR_VALUE", sal_scalar_value, &
"The constant of proportionality between sea surface "//&
"height (really it should be bottom pressure) anomalies "//&
"and bottom geopotential anomalies. This is only used if "//&
"USE_SAL_SCALAR is true or USE_PREVIOUS_TIDES is true.", &
default=tide_sal_scalar_value, units="m m-1", &
do_not_log=(.not. CS%use_sal_scalar) .and. (.not. CS%use_tidal_sal_prev))
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SAL_SCALAR_VALUE", sal_scalar_value, "The constant of "//&
"proportionality between self-attraction and loading (SAL) geopotential "//&
"anomaly and barotropic geopotential anomaly. This is only used if "//&
"SAL_SCALAR_APPROX is true or USE_PREVIOUS_TIDES is true.", default=0.0, &
units="m m-1", do_not_log=.not.(CS%use_sal_scalar .or. CS%use_tidal_sal_prev), &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SAL_HARMONICS", CS%use_sal_sht, &
"If true, use the online spherical harmonics method to calculate "//&
"self-attraction and loading.", default=.false.)
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26 changes: 10 additions & 16 deletions src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_tidal_forcing.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ module MOM_tidal_forcing
!! equilibrium tide. Set to false if providing tidal phases
!! that have already been shifted by the
!! astronomical/equilibrium argument.
real :: sal_scalar !< The constant of proportionality between sea surface
!! height (really it should be bottom pressure) anomalies
!! and bottom geopotential anomalies [nondim].
real :: sal_scalar = 0.0 !< The constant of proportionality between self-attraction and
!! loading (SAL) geopotential anomaly and total geopotential geopotential
!! anomalies. This is only used if USE_PREVIOUS_TIDES is true. [nondim].
integer :: nc !< The number of tidal constituents in use.
real, dimension(MAX_CONSTITUENTS) :: &
freq, & !< The frequency of a tidal constituent [rad T-1 ~> rad s-1].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,7 +267,6 @@ subroutine tidal_forcing_init(Time, G, US, param_file, CS, HA_CS)
character(len=40) :: mdl = "MOM_tidal_forcing" ! This module's name.
character(len=128) :: mesg
character(len=200) :: tidal_input_files(4*MAX_CONSTITUENTS)
real :: tide_sal_scalar_value ! The constant of proportionality with the scalar approximation to SAL [nondim]
integer :: i, j, c, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nc

is = G%isc ; ie = G%iec ; js = G%jsc ; je = G%jec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,18 +361,13 @@ subroutine tidal_forcing_init(Time, G, US, param_file, CS, HA_CS)
"If true, use the SAL from the previous iteration of the "//&
"tides to facilitate convergent iteration. "//&
"This is only used if TIDES is true.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, '', "TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE", tide_sal_scalar_value, &
units="m m-1", default=0.0, do_not_log=.True.)
if (tide_sal_scalar_value/=0.0) &
call MOM_error(WARNING, "TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE is a deprecated parameter. "//&
"Use SAL_SCALAR_VALUE instead." )
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SAL_SCALAR_VALUE", CS%sal_scalar, &
"The constant of proportionality between sea surface "//&
"height (really it should be bottom pressure) anomalies "//&
"and bottom geopotential anomalies. This is only used if "//&
"USE_SAL_SCALAR is true or USE_PREVIOUS_TIDES is true.", &
default=tide_sal_scalar_value, units="m m-1", &
do_not_log=(.not. CS%use_tidal_sal_prev))
if (CS%use_tidal_sal_prev) &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SAL_SCALAR_VALUE", CS%sal_scalar, "The constant of "//&
"proportionality between self-attraction and loading (SAL) geopotential "//&
"anomaly and barotropic geopotential anomalies. This is only used if "//&
"SAL_SCALAR_APPROX is true or USE_PREVIOUS_TIDES is true.", default=0.0, &
units="m m-1", do_not_log=(.not.CS%use_tidal_sal_prev), &

if (nc > MAX_CONSTITUENTS) then
write(mesg,'("Increase MAX_CONSTITUENTS in MOM_tidal_forcing.F90 to at least",I3, &
Expand Down

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