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Revise the ice_shelf dimensional rescaling
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  Refactored the volume_above_floatation, write_ice_shelf_energy and
ice_shelf_solve_outer routines to work in rescaled units by making use of the
unscale arguments to reproducing_sum().  Also added or corrected comments
documenting the units of 11 real variables in these routines.

  The routine integrate_over_Ice_sheet_area was converted into a function and
var_scale was renamed to unscale for more consistency with the rest of the MOM6
code.  Additionally, add_shelf_flux and update_shelf_mass were modified to use
the scale arguments to time_interp_external.

  A total of 12 rescaling variables were eliminated or moved into unscale
arguments, and 2 blocks of code that scale input variables were eliminated.  All
answers and diagnostics are bitwise identical, and no interfaces are changed.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Dec 31, 2024
1 parent e6e0870 commit 4d8d2a7
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Showing 2 changed files with 83 additions and 85 deletions.
90 changes: 43 additions & 47 deletions src/ice_shelf/MOM_ice_shelf.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -874,13 +874,15 @@ subroutine shelf_calc_flux(sfc_state_in, fluxes_in, Time, time_step_in, CS)

end subroutine shelf_calc_flux

subroutine integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, var, var_scale, var_out, hemisphere)
function integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, var, unscale, hemisphere) result(var_out)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The grid structure used by the ice shelf.
type(ice_shelf_state), intent(in) :: ISS !< A structure with elements that describe the ice-shelf state
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), intent(in) :: var !< Ice variable to integrate in arbitrary units [A ~> a]
real, intent(in) :: var_scale !< Dimensional scaling for variable to integrate [a A-1 ~> 1]
real, intent(out) :: var_out !< Variable integrated over the area of the ice sheet in arbitrary units [a m2]
real, intent(in) :: unscale !< Dimensional scaling for variable to integrate [a A-1 ~> 1]
integer, optional, intent(in) :: hemisphere !< 0 for Antarctica only, 1 for Greenland only. Otherwise, all ice sheets
real :: var_out !< Variable integrated over the area of the ice sheet in arbitrary unscaled units [a m2]

! Local variables
integer :: IS_ID ! local copy of hemisphere
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: var_cell !< Variable integrated over the ice-sheet area of each cell
!! in arbitrary units [a m2]
Expand All @@ -903,16 +905,16 @@ subroutine integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, var, var_scale, var_out, hemisp
if (ISS%hmask(i,j)>0 .and. G%geoLatT(i,j)>0.0) mask(i,j)=1
enddo; enddo
else !All ice sheets
mask(G%isc:G%iec,G%jsc:G%jec) = ISS%hmask(G%isc:G%iec,G%jsc:G%jec)

do j = G%jsc,G%jec; do i = G%isc,G%iec
if (mask(i,j)>0) var_cell(i,j) = (var(i,j) * var_scale) * (ISS%area_shelf_h(i,j) * G%US%L_to_m**2)
if (mask(i,j)>0) var_cell(i,j) = var(i,j) * ISS%area_shelf_h(i,j)
enddo; enddo

var_out = reproducing_sum(var_cell)
end subroutine integrate_over_ice_sheet_area
var_out = unscale*G%US%L_to_m**2 * reproducing_sum(var_cell, unscale=unscale*G%US%L_to_m**2)
end function integrate_over_ice_sheet_area

!> Converts the ice-shelf-to-ocean calving and calving_hflx variables from the ice-shelf state (ISS) type
!! to the ocean public type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1252,10 +1254,8 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, sfc_state, fluxes, time_step)
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
last_hmask(i,j) = ISS%hmask(i,j) ; last_area_shelf_h(i,j) = ISS%area_shelf_h(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
call time_interp_external(CS%mass_handle, Time0, last_mass_shelf)
call time_interp_external(CS%mass_handle, Time0, last_mass_shelf, scale=US%kg_m3_to_R*US%m_to_Z)
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
! This should only be done if time_interp_extern did an update.
last_mass_shelf(i,j) = US%kg_m3_to_R*US%m_to_Z * last_mass_shelf(i,j) ! Rescale after time_interp
last_h_shelf(i,j) = last_mass_shelf(i,j) / CS%density_ice
enddo ; enddo

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2385,7 +2385,7 @@ subroutine update_shelf_mass(G, US, CS, ISS, Time)

! local variables
integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: tmp2d ! Temporary array for storing ice shelf input data
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: tmp2d ! Temporary array for storing ice shelf input data [R Z ~> kg m-2]

is = G%isc ; ie = G%iec ; js = G%jsc ; je = G%jec

Expand All @@ -2396,15 +2396,10 @@ subroutine update_shelf_mass(G, US, CS, ISS, Time)
allocate(tmp2d(is:ie,js:je), source=0.0)

call time_interp_external(CS%mass_handle, Time, tmp2d)
call time_interp_external(CS%mass_handle, Time, tmp2d, scale=US%kg_m3_to_R*US%m_to_Z)
call rotate_array(tmp2d, CS%turns, ISS%mass_shelf)

! This should only be done if time_interp_external did an update.
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
ISS%mass_shelf(i,j) = US%kg_m3_to_R*US%m_to_Z * ISS%mass_shelf(i,j) ! Rescale after time_interp
enddo ; enddo

do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
ISS%area_shelf_h(i,j) = 0.0
ISS%hmask(i,j) = 0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2618,6 +2613,7 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
real, dimension(SZI_(CS%grid),SZJ_(CS%grid)) :: dh_bdott !< Surface (plus basal if solo shelf mode)
!! melt/accumulation over a time step [Z ~> m]
real, dimension(SZI_(CS%grid),SZJ_(CS%grid)) :: tmp ! Temporary field used when calculating diagnostics [various]
real, dimension(SZI_(CS%grid),SZJ_(CS%grid)) :: ones ! Temporary field used when calculating diagnostics [various]
real :: vaf ! The current ice-sheet volume above floatation [m3]
real :: val ! Temporary value when calculating scalar diagnostics [various]
type(ocean_grid_type), pointer :: G => NULL() ! A pointer to the ocean's grid structure
Expand All @@ -2636,13 +2632,13 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
if (CS%id_vaf > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_vaf ,vaf ,CS%diag) !current vaf
if (CS%id_dvafdt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_dvafdt,(vaf-vaf0)*Itime_step,CS%diag) !d(vaf)/dt
if (CS%id_adott > 0 .or. CS%id_adot > 0) then !surface accumulation - surface melt
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_adott, US%Z_to_m, val)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_adott, unscale=US%Z_to_m)
if (CS%id_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_g_adott > 0 .or. CS%id_g_adot > 0) then !grounded only: surface accumulation - surface melt
call masked_var_grounded(G,CS%dCS,dh_adott,tmp)
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m)
if (CS%id_g_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_g_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_g_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_g_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2651,12 +2647,12 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
tmp(i,j) = dh_adott(i,j) - tmp(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m)
if (CS%id_f_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_f_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_f_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_f_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_bdott > 0 .or. CS%id_bdot > 0) then !bottom accumulation - bottom melt
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_bdott, US%Z_to_m, val)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_bdott, unscale=US%Z_to_m)
if (CS%id_bdott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_bdott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_bdot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_bdot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2665,7 +2661,7 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
if (dh_bdott(i,j) < 0) tmp(i,j) = -dh_bdott(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m)
if (CS%id_bdott_melt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_bdott_melt,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_bdot_melt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_bdot_melt ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2674,22 +2670,22 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
if (dh_bdott(i,j) > 0) tmp(i,j) = dh_bdott(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m)
if (CS%id_bdott_accum > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_bdott_accum,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_bdot_accum > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_bdot_accum ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_t_area > 0) then !ice sheet area
tmp(:,:) = 1.0; call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, 1.0, val)
tmp(:,:) = 1.0 ; val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=1.0)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_t_area,val,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_g_area > 0 .or. CS%id_f_area > 0) then
tmp(:,:) = 1.0; call masked_var_grounded(G,CS%dCS,tmp,tmp)
ones(:,:) = 1.0 ; call masked_var_grounded(G, CS%dCS, ones, tmp)
if (CS%id_g_area > 0) then !grounded only ice sheet area
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, 1.0, val)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=1.0)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_g_area,val,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_f_area > 0) then !floating only ice sheet area (ice shelf area)
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, 1.0-tmp, 1.0, val)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, 1.0-tmp, unscale=1.0)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_f_area,val,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2700,13 +2696,13 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
if (CS%id_Ant_vaf > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_vaf ,vaf ,CS%diag) !current vaf
if (CS%id_Ant_dvafdt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_dvafdt,(vaf-vaf0_A)*Itime_step,CS%diag) !d(vaf)/dt
if (CS%id_Ant_adott > 0 .or. CS%id_Ant_adot > 0) then !surface accumulation - surface melt
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_adott, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=0)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_adott, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=0)
if (CS%id_Ant_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_g_adott > 0 .or. CS%id_Ant_g_adot > 0) then !grounded only: surface accumulation - surface melt
call masked_var_grounded(G,CS%dCS,dh_adott,tmp)
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=0)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=0)
if (CS%id_Ant_g_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_g_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_g_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_g_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2715,12 +2711,12 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
tmp(i,j) = dh_adott(i,j) - tmp(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=0)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=0)
if (CS%id_Ant_f_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_f_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_f_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_f_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_bdott > 0 .or. CS%id_Ant_bdot > 0) then !bottom accumulation - bottom melt
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_bdott, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=0)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_bdott, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=0)
if (CS%id_Ant_bdott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_bdott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_bdot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_bdot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2729,7 +2725,7 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
if (dh_bdott(i,j) < 0) tmp(i,j) = -dh_bdott(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=0)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=0)
if (CS%id_Ant_bdott_melt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_bdott_melt,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_bdot_melt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_bdot_melt ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2738,22 +2734,22 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
if (dh_bdott(i,j) > 0) tmp(i,j) = dh_bdott(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=0)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=0)
if (CS%id_Ant_bdott_accum > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_bdott_accum,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_bdot_accum > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_bdot_accum ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_t_area > 0) then !ice sheet area
tmp(:,:) = 1.0; call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, 1.0, val, hemisphere=0)
tmp(:,:) = 1.0; val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=1.0, hemisphere=0)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_t_area,val,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_g_area > 0 .or. CS%id_Ant_f_area > 0) then
tmp(:,:) = 1.0; call masked_var_grounded(G,CS%dCS,tmp,tmp)
ones(:,:) = 1.0 ; call masked_var_grounded(G, CS%dCS, ones, tmp)
if (CS%id_Ant_g_area > 0) then !grounded only ice sheet area
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, 1.0, val, hemisphere=0)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=1.0, hemisphere=0)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_g_area,val,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Ant_f_area > 0) then !floating only ice sheet area (ice shelf area)
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, 1.0-tmp, 1.0, val, hemisphere=0)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, 1.0-tmp, unscale=1.0, hemisphere=0)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Ant_f_area,val,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2764,13 +2760,13 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
if (CS%id_Gr_vaf > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_vaf ,vaf ,CS%diag) !current vaf
if (CS%id_Gr_dvafdt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_dvafdt,(vaf-vaf0_A)*Itime_step,CS%diag) !d(vaf)/dt
if (CS%id_Gr_adott > 0 .or. CS%id_Gr_adot > 0) then !surface accumulation - surface melt
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_adott, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=1)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_adott, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=1)
if (CS%id_Gr_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_g_adott > 0 .or. CS%id_Gr_g_adot > 0) then !grounded only: surface accumulation - surface melt
call masked_var_grounded(G,CS%dCS,dh_adott,tmp)
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=1)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=1)
if (CS%id_Gr_g_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_g_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_g_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_g_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2779,12 +2775,12 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
tmp(i,j) = dh_adott(i,j) - tmp(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=1)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=1)
if (CS%id_Gr_f_adott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_f_adott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_f_adot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_f_adot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_bdott > 0 .or. CS%id_Gr_bdot > 0) then !bottom accumulation - bottom melt
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_bdott, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=1)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, dh_bdott, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=1)
if (CS%id_Gr_bdott > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_bdott,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_bdot > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_bdot ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2793,7 +2789,7 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
if (dh_bdott(i,j) < 0) tmp(i,j) = -dh_bdott(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=1)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=1)
if (CS%id_Gr_bdott_melt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_bdott_melt,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_bdot_melt > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_bdot_melt ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -2802,22 +2798,22 @@ subroutine process_and_post_scalar_data(CS, vaf0, vaf0_A, vaf0_G, Itime_step, dh
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
if (dh_bdott(i,j) > 0) tmp(i,j) = dh_bdott(i,j)
enddo; enddo
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, US%Z_to_m, val, hemisphere=1)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=US%Z_to_m, hemisphere=1)
if (CS%id_Gr_bdott_accum > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_bdott_accum,val ,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_bdot_accum > 0) call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_bdot_accum ,val*Itime_step,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_t_area > 0) then !ice sheet area
tmp(:,:) = 1.0; call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, 1.0, val, hemisphere=1)
tmp(:,:) = 1.0; val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=1.0, hemisphere=1)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_t_area,val,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_g_area > 0 .or. CS%id_Gr_f_area > 0) then
tmp(:,:) = 1.0; call masked_var_grounded(G,CS%dCS,tmp,tmp)
ones(:,:) = 1.0 ; call masked_var_grounded(G, CS%dCS, ones, tmp)
if (CS%id_Gr_g_area > 0) then !grounded only ice sheet area
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, 1.0, val, hemisphere=1)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, tmp, unscale=1.0, hemisphere=1)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_g_area,val,CS%diag)
if (CS%id_Gr_f_area > 0) then !floating only ice sheet area (ice shelf area)
call integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, 1.0-tmp, 1.0, val, hemisphere=1)
val = integrate_over_ice_sheet_area(G, ISS, 1.0-tmp, unscale=1.0, hemisphere=1)
call post_scalar_data(CS%id_Gr_f_area,val,CS%diag)
Expand Down

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