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+*Obsolete WIND_CONFIG = "SCM_ideal_hurr" (mom-ocean#770)
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Changed the code to issue a fatal error message when WIND_CONFIG =
"SCM_ideal_hurr", with the message including instructions on how to recover
mathematically equivalent solutions, and eliminated the subroutine
SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing() from the Idealized_hurricane module.  The
ocean_only MOM_parameter_doc files have also been modified to reflect that
"SCM_ideal_hurr" is no longer a valid setting for WIND_CONFIG.   All answers are
bitwise identical in any cases that run, but some cases may fail during
initialization with instructions on how to fix them.
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Hallberg-NOAA authored Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 61e3bcf commit 3c39818
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Showing 2 changed files with 13 additions and 203 deletions.
20 changes: 12 additions & 8 deletions config_src/drivers/solo_driver/MOM_surface_forcing.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,9 +45,8 @@ module MOM_surface_forcing
use user_surface_forcing, only : USER_surface_forcing_init, user_surface_forcing_CS
use user_revise_forcing, only : user_alter_forcing, user_revise_forcing_init
use user_revise_forcing, only : user_revise_forcing_CS
use idealized_hurricane, only : idealized_hurricane_wind_init
use idealized_hurricane, only : idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing, SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing
use idealized_hurricane, only : idealized_hurricane_CS
use idealized_hurricane, only : idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing
use idealized_hurricane, only : idealized_hurricane_wind_init, idealized_hurricane_CS
use SCM_CVmix_tests, only : SCM_CVmix_tests_surface_forcing_init
use SCM_CVmix_tests, only : SCM_CVmix_tests_wind_forcing
use SCM_CVmix_tests, only : SCM_CVmix_tests_buoyancy_forcing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,7 +296,8 @@ subroutine set_forcing(sfc_state, forces, fluxes, day_start, day_interval, G, US
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "ideal_hurr") then
call idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing(sfc_state, forces, day_center, G, US, CS%idealized_hurricane_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "SCM_ideal_hurr") then
call SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing(sfc_state, forces, day_center, G, US, CS%idealized_hurricane_CSp)
call MOM_error(FATAL, "MOM_surface_forcing (set_forcing): "//&
'WIND_CONFIG = "SCM_ideal_hurr" is a depricated option.')
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "SCM_CVmix_tests") then
call SCM_CVmix_tests_wind_forcing(sfc_state, forces, day_center, G, US, CS%SCM_CVmix_tests_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "USER") then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1780,8 +1780,8 @@ subroutine surface_forcing_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS, tracer_flow_C
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "WIND_CONFIG", CS%wind_config, &
"The character string that indicates how wind forcing is specified. Valid "//&
"options include (file), (data_override), (2gyre), (1gyre), (gyres), (zero), "//&
"(const), (Neverworld), (scurves), (ideal_hurr), (SCM_ideal_hurr), "//&
"(SCM_CVmix_tests) and (USER).", default="zero")
"(const), (Neverworld), (scurves), (ideal_hurr), (SCM_CVmix_tests) and (USER).", &
if (trim(CS%wind_config) == "file") then
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "WIND_FILE", CS%wind_file, &
"The file in which the wind stresses are found in "//&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1990,9 +1990,13 @@ subroutine surface_forcing_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS, tracer_flow_C
call dumbbell_surface_forcing_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS%dumbbell_forcing_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "MESO" .or. trim(CS%buoy_config) == "MESO" ) then
call MESO_surface_forcing_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS%MESO_forcing_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "ideal_hurr" .or.&
trim(CS%wind_config) == "SCM_ideal_hurr") then
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "ideal_hurr") then
call idealized_hurricane_wind_init(Time, G, US, param_file, CS%idealized_hurricane_CSp)
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "SCM_ideal_hurr") then
call MOM_error(FATAL, "MOM_surface_forcing (surface_forcing_init): "//&
'WIND_CONFIG = "SCM_ideal_hurr" is a depricated option. '//&
'To obtain mathematically equivalent results set '//&
'WIND_CONFIG = "ideal_hurr", IDL_HURR_SCM = True and IDL_HURR_X0 = 6.48e+05.')
elseif (trim(CS%wind_config) == "const") then
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "CONST_WIND_TAUX", CS%tau_x0, &
"With wind_config const, this is the constant zonal wind-stress", &
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196 changes: 1 addition & 195 deletions src/user/Idealized_Hurricane.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ module Idealized_hurricane
! w/ T/S initializations in CVMix_tests (which should be moved
! into the main state_initialization to their utility
! for multiple example cases).
! To do
! 1. Remove the legacy SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing code
! December 2024: Removed the legacy subroutine SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing

use MOM_error_handler, only : MOM_error, FATAL
use MOM_file_parser, only : get_param, log_version, param_file_type
Expand All @@ -37,8 +35,6 @@ module Idealized_hurricane
! hurricane wind profile.
public idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing !Public interface to update the idealized
! hurricane wind profile.
public SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing !Public interface to the legacy idealized
! hurricane wind profile for SCM.

!> Container for parameters describing idealized wind structure
type, public :: idealized_hurricane_CS ; private
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -656,196 +652,6 @@ subroutine idealized_hurricane_wind_profile(CS, US, absf, YY, XX, UOCN, VOCN, Tx
TY = US%L_to_Z * CS%rho_a * Cd * du10 * dV
end subroutine idealized_hurricane_wind_profile

!> This subroutine is primarily needed as a legacy for reproducing answers.
!! It is included as an additional subroutine rather than padded into the previous
!! routine with flags to ease its eventual removal. Its functionality is replaced
!! with the new routines and it can be deleted when answer changes are acceptable.
subroutine SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing(sfc_state, forces, day, G, US, CS)
type(surface), intent(in) :: sfc_state !< Surface state structure
type(mech_forcing), intent(inout) :: forces !< A structure with the driving mechanical forces
type(time_type), intent(in) :: day !< Time in days
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid structure
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
type(idealized_hurricane_CS), pointer :: CS !< Container for SCM parameters
! Local variables
integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je, Isq, Ieq, Jsq, Jeq
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, IsdB, IedB, JsdB, JedB
real :: du10 ! The magnitude of the difference between the 10 m wind and the ocean flow [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
real :: U10 ! The 10 m wind speed [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
real :: A ! The radius of the maximum winds raised to the power given by B, used in the
! wind profile expression, in [km^B]
real :: B ! A power used in the wind profile expression [nondim]
real :: C ! A temporary variable in units of the square root of a specific volume [sqrt(m3 kg-1)]
real :: rad ! The distance from the hurricane center [L ~> m]
real :: radius10 ! The distance from the hurricane center to its edge [L ~> m]
real :: rkm ! The distance from the hurricane center, sometimes scaled to km [L ~> m] or [1000 L ~> km]
real :: f_local ! The local Coriolis parameter [T-1 ~> s-1]
real :: xx ! x-position [L ~> m]
real :: t0 ! Time at which the eye crosses the origin [T ~> s]
real :: dP ! The pressure difference across the hurricane [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real :: rB ! The distance from the center raised to the power given by B, in [m^B]
! or [km^B] if BR_Bench is true.
real :: Cd ! Air-sea drag coefficient [nondim]
real :: Uocn, Vocn ! Surface ocean velocity components [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
real :: dU, dV ! Air-sea differential motion [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
! Wind angle variables
real :: Alph ! The wind inflow angle (positive outward) [radians]
real :: Rstr ! A function of the position normalized by the radius of maximum winds [nondim]
real :: A0 ! The axisymmetric inflow angle [degrees]
real :: A1 ! The inflow angle asymmetry [degrees]
real :: P1 ! The angle difference between the translation direction and the inflow direction [radians]
real :: Adir ! The angle of the direction from the center to a point [radians]
real :: transdir ! Translation direction [radians]
real :: V_TS, U_TS ! Components of the translation speed [L T-1 ~> m s-1]

! Bounds for loops and memory allocation
is = G%isc ; ie = G%iec ; js = G%jsc ; je = G%jec
Isq = G%IscB ; Ieq = G%IecB ; Jsq = G%JscB ; Jeq = G%JecB
isd = G%isd ; ied = G%ied ; jsd = G%jsd ; jed = G%jed
IsdB = G%IsdB ; IedB = G%IedB ; JsdB = G%JsdB ; JedB = G%JedB

! Allocate the forcing arrays, if necessary.
call allocate_mech_forcing(G, forces, stress=.true., ustar=.true., tau_mag=.true.)

! Implementing Holland (1980) parameteric wind profile
t0 = 129600.*US%s_to_T ! TC 'eye' crosses (0,0) at 36 hours |
transdir = CS%pi ! translation direction (-x) |
dP = CS%pressure_ambient - CS%pressure_central
if (CS%answer_date < 20190101) then
C = CS%max_windspeed / sqrt( US%R_to_kg_m3*dP )
B = C**2 * US%R_to_kg_m3*CS%rho_a * exp(1.0)
if (CS%BR_Bench) then ! rho_a reset to value used in generated wind for benchmark test
B = C**2 * 1.2 * exp(1.0)
B = (CS%max_windspeed**2 / dP ) * CS%rho_a * exp(1.0)

if (CS%BR_Bench) then
A = (US%L_to_m*CS%rad_max_wind / 1000.)**B
A = (US%L_to_m*CS%rad_max_wind)**B
! f_local = f(x,y), but in the SCM it is constant
if (CS%BR_Bench) then ! (CS%SCM_mode) then
f_local = CS%f_column
f_local = G%CoriolisBu(is,js)

! Calculate x position relative to hurricane center as a function of time.
xx = (t0 - time_type_to_real(day)*US%s_to_T) * CS%hurr_translation_spd * cos(transdir)
rad = sqrt((xx**2) + (CS%dy_from_center**2))

! rkm - rad converted to km for Holland prof.
! used in km due to error, correct implementation should
! not need rkm, but to match winds w/ experiment this must
! be maintained. Causes winds far from storm center to be a
! couple of m/s higher than the correct Holland prof.
if (CS%BR_Bench) then
rkm = rad/1000.
rB = (US%L_to_m*rkm)**B
! if not comparing to benchmark, then use correct Holland prof.
rkm = rad
rB = (US%L_to_m*rad)**B

! Calculate U10 in the interior (inside of the hurricane edge radius),
! while adjusting U10 to 0 outside of the ambient wind radius.
if (rad > 0.001*CS%rad_max_wind .AND. rad < CS%rad_edge*CS%rad_max_wind) then
U10 = sqrt( A*B*dP*exp(-A/rB)/(CS%rho_a*rB) + 0.25*(rkm*f_local)**2 ) - 0.5*rkm*f_local
elseif (rad > CS%rad_edge*CS%rad_max_wind .AND. rad < CS%rad_ambient*CS%rad_max_wind) then
radius10 = CS%rad_max_wind*CS%rad_edge
if (CS%BR_Bench) then
rkm = radius10/1000.
rB = (US%L_to_m*rkm)**B
rkm = radius10
rB = (US%L_to_m*radius10)**B
if (CS%edge_taper_bug) rad = radius10
U10 = ( sqrt( A*B*dP*exp(-A/rB)/(CS%rho_a*rB) + 0.25*(rkm*f_local)**2 ) - 0.5*rkm*f_local) &
* (CS%rad_ambient - rad/CS%rad_max_wind)/(CS%rad_ambient - CS%rad_edge)
U10 = 0.
Adir = atan2(CS%dy_from_center,xx)

! Wind angle model following Zhang and Ulhorn (2012)
! ALPH is inflow angle positive outward.
RSTR = min(CS%rad_edge, rad / CS%rad_max_wind)
A0 = CS%A0_Rnorm*RSTR + CS%A0_speed*CS%max_windspeed + CS%A0_0
A1 = -A0*(CS%A1_Rnorm*RSTR + CS%A1_speed*CS%hurr_translation_spd + CS%A1_0)
P1 = (CS%P1_Rnorm*RSTR + CS%P1_speed*CS%hurr_translation_spd + CS%P1_0) * CS%pi/180.
ALPH = A0 - A1*cos( (TRANSDIR - ADIR ) - P1)
if (rad > CS%rad_edge*CS%rad_max_wind .AND. rad < CS%rad_ambient*CS%rad_max_wind) then
ALPH = ALPH* (CS%rad_ambient - rad/CS%rad_max_wind) / (CS%rad_ambient - CS%rad_edge)
elseif (rad > CS%rad_ambient*CS%rad_max_wind) then
ALPH = 0.0
ALPH = ALPH * CS%Deg2Rad

! Prepare for wind calculation
! X_TS is component of translation speed added to wind vector
! due to background steering wind.
U_TS = CS%hurr_translation_spd*0.5*cos(transdir)
V_TS = CS%hurr_translation_spd*0.5*sin(transdir)

! Set the surface wind stresses, in [R L Z T-2 ~> Pa]. A positive taux
! accelerates the ocean to the (pseudo-)east.
! The i-loop extends to is-1 so that taux can be used later in the
! calculation of ustar - otherwise the lower bound would be Isq.
do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,Ieq
! Turn off surface current for stress calculation to be
! consistent with test case.
Uocn = 0. ! sfc_state%u(I,j)
Vocn = 0. ! 0.25*( (sfc_state%v(i,J) + sfc_state%v(i+1,J-1)) + &
! (sfc_state%v(i+1,J) + sfc_state%v(i,J-1)) )
! Wind vector calculated from location/direction (sin/cos flipped b/c
! cyclonic wind is 90 deg. phase shifted from position angle).
dU = U10*sin(Adir - CS%pi - Alph) - Uocn + U_TS
dV = U10*cos(Adir - Alph) - Vocn + V_TS
! Add a simple drag coefficient as a function of U10 |
du10 = sqrt((du**2) + (dv**2))
Cd = simple_wind_scaled_Cd(u10, du10, CS)

forces%taux(I,j) = CS%rho_a * US%L_to_Z * G%mask2dCu(I,j) * Cd*du10*dU
enddo ; enddo

! See notes above
do J=js-1,Jeq ; do i=is,ie
Uocn = 0. ! 0.25*( (sfc_state%u(I,j) + sfc_state%u(I-1,j+1)) + &
! (sfc_state%u(I-1,j) + sfc_state%u(I,j+1)) )
Vocn = 0. ! sfc_state%v(i,J)
dU = U10*sin(Adir - CS%pi - Alph) - Uocn + U_TS
dV = U10*cos(Adir-Alph) - Vocn + V_TS
du10 = sqrt((du**2) + (dv**2))
Cd = simple_wind_scaled_Cd(u10, du10, CS)
forces%tauy(I,j) = CS%rho_a * US%L_to_Z * G%mask2dCv(I,j) * Cd*dU10*dV
enddo ; enddo

! Set the surface friction velocity [Z T-1 ~> m s-1]. ustar is always positive.
if (associated(forces%ustar)) then ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
! This expression can be changed if desired, but need not be.
forces%ustar(i,j) = G%mask2dT(i,j) * sqrt(US%L_to_Z * (CS%gustiness/CS%Rho0 + &
sqrt(0.5*((forces%taux(I-1,j)**2) + (forces%taux(I,j)**2)) + &
0.5*((forces%tauy(i,J-1)**2) + (forces%tauy(i,J)**2)))/CS%Rho0))
enddo ; enddo ; endif

!> Set magnitude of the wind stress [R L Z T-2 ~> Pa]
if (associated(forces%tau_mag)) then ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
forces%tau_mag(i,j) = G%mask2dT(i,j) * (CS%gustiness + &
sqrt(0.5*((forces%taux(I-1,j)**2) + (forces%taux(I,j)**2)) + &
0.5*((forces%tauy(i,J-1)**2) + (forces%tauy(i,J)**2))))
enddo ; enddo ; endif

end subroutine SCM_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing

!> This function returns the air-sea drag coefficient using a simple function of the air-sea velocity difference.
function simple_wind_scaled_Cd(u10, du10, CS) result(Cd)
real, intent(in) :: U10 !< The 10 m wind speed [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
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