Software project for Arduino Nano to control 3D LED cubes.
- Configurable cube size. Right now works for LED cubes 3x3x3 and 4x4x4 configurations
- Configurable between pattern/effect leds and interactive game
- Interactive Simon game through joystick
- Arduino Nano or compatible
- Blue 5 mm LED diodes. 64 leds for 4x4x4 cubes and 27 leds for 3x3x3 cubes
- Resistors 330 ohms. 16 resistors for 4x4x4 cubes and 9 resistors for 3x3x3 cubes
- Battery or powerbank [ 5V, +2200 mAh ]
- Optional joystick analog 2-Axis with button for interactive game
- Optional dip switch to turn on/off the cube
- Cube structure, up to your imagination. I followed instructions from here
The software is splitted into Abstraction Layers so the responsability of each layer are very limited and will make easier the growth and maintenance of the project in a Architectural point of view. Using a objected-oriented language such as C++ accepted by Arduino, makes the implementation closer to this approach.
Dependencies: Needs to have access to Generic-Libraries/lib from this same repository
| |--LC_Game
| | |- CLedGame.cpp
| | |- CLedGame.h
| |--LC_Marquee
| | |- CLedMarquee.cpp
| | |- CLedMarquee.h
| |--LCLib_Leds
| | |- CLeds.cpp
| | |- CLeds.h
| |- main.cpp
| |- main.h
|- platformio.ini
| |--Joystick_Lib
| |--Common_Lib
| |--LowerPower
Led cube 3x3x3 with joystick for Simon game | Led cube 4x4x4 |
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