Java API that fetches YouTube live chat.
- Java 8 or higher
- Gson
- Fetch live chat without YouTube API
- Fetch replay of live chat without YouTube API
- Supports message, Super Chat, Super Stickers and member
- Send a message to live chat (Developed by @yadokari1130 )
- Delete message and moderate chat (Developed by @HURDOO )
- Get live broadcast information (Developed by @argen666 )
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.kusaanko:YouTubeLiveChat:1.5'
//To use latest version
//implementation 'com.github.kusaanko:YouTubeLiveChat:latest.release'
Head over to releases page.
Download main and use.
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
YouTubeLiveChat chat = new YouTubeLiveChat("Aw5b1sa0w", true, IdType.VIDEO);
int liveStatusCheckCycle = 0;
while (true) {
for (ChatItem item : chat.getChatItems()) {
System.out.println(format.format(new Date(item.getTimestamp() / 1000)) + " " + item.getType() + "[" + item.getAuthorName() + "]" + item.getAuthorType() + " " + item.getMessage());
if(liveStatusCheckCycle >= 10) {
// Calling this method frequently, cpu usage and network usage become higher because this method requests a http request.
if(chat.getBroadcastInfo().isLiveEnd) {
liveStatusCheckCycle = 0;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
If this video is replay, you can get a lot of messages every time chat.update()
Don't worry! There will be no duplicate messages.
There are three ways:
//This works with top chat only mode
YouTubeLiveChat chat = new YouTubeLiveChat("Aw5b1sa0w");
//You can omit third argument
YouTubeLiveChat chat = new YouTubeLiveChat("Aw5b1sa0w", true);
//This is formal way
YouTubeLiveChat chat = new YouTubeLiveChat("Aw5b1sa0w", true, IdType.VIDEO);
YouTubeLiveChat chat = new YouTubeLiveChat("USWmbkAWEKOG43WAnbw", true, IdType.CHANNEL);
If the channel have more than one live, YouTube chooses one of them.
String videoId = YouTubeLiveChat.getVideoIdFromURL("");
This method supports these links:
And these can include other parameters. For example[VideoId]&t=5s
YouTubeLiveChat 1.1 or later, this method returns video id if this is passed a video id.
//This works
String videoId = YouTubeLiveChat.getVideoIdFromURL("Aw5b1sa0w");
String channelId = YouTubeLiveChat.getChannelIdFromURL("");
String channelId = YouTubeLiveChat.getChannelIdFromURL("");
String channelId = YouTubeLiveChat.getChannelIdFromURL("");
This method supports these links:
If you use using a user name, it need user name be registered by the channel's author.
And these can include other parameters. For example[ChannelId]?key=value
This method returns channel id if this is passed a channel id.
//This works
String channelId = YouTubeLiveChat.getChannelIdFromURL("UCrXUsMBcfTVqwAS7DKg9C0Q");
This affects some messages from YouTube. Exceptions are not localized.
for (ChatItemDelete delete : chat.getChatItemDeletes()) {
System.out.println(delete.getMessage() + " TargetId:" + delete.getTargetId());
If you need to apply deleting messages from user, use this.
To use this method, you must cache past items id.
ArrayList<String> cacheId = new ArrayList<>();
for (ChatItem item : chat.getChatItems()) {
for (ChatItemDelete delete : chat.getChatItemDeletes()) {
if(cacheId.contains(delete.getTargetId())) {
//Delete message
String videoId = chat.getVideoId();
String channelId = chat.getChannelId();
//You can access this page
//"" + channelId
boolean isReplay = chat.isReplay();
int skipSec = 60;
//skip time in milli seconds
//This only works in replay
chat.update(skipSec * 1000);
To skip backward, please remake YouTubeLiveChat. Sorry, this API can not skip backward.
All types include these values:
- author name
- author channel id
- author icon url
- author type
- member badge icon url
- timestamp
- id
You can get a type of ChatItem using ChatItem#getType()
. This method returns ChatItemType.
This is normal message. It includes message and message extended.
This is called "Super Chat". It includes message, message extended, purchase amount, and a lot of colors.
Purchase amount includes currency symbols.For example, "¥100" and "$100".
This is called "Super Stickers". It includes sticker icon url and purchase amount.
Purchase amount includes currency symbols.For example, "¥100" and "$100".
This is what you can see at the top of the chat. It includes message, message extended, purchase amount, a lot of colors, duration and full duration. You can get items of this type using YouTubeLiveChat#getChatTickerPaidMessages()
This is used when new member is registered. It includes message and message extended.
This shows what kind of certification the author has. For example, VERIFIED and OWNER.
You can get types of author using ChatItem#getAuthorType()
. This method returns AuthorType.
Or you can use ChatItem#isAuthorVerified()
, ChatItem#isAuthorOwner()
, ChatItem#isAuthorModerator()
and ChatItem#isAuthorMember()
instead of ChatItem#getAuthorType()
For example of ChatItem#getAuthorType():
if (chatItem.getAuthorType().contains(AuthorType.OWNER)) {
//If the author is owner
This indicates the author is verified.
This indicates the author is owner.
This indicates the author is moderator.
This indicates the author is member. If the author is member, you can get member badge icon url using ChatItem#getMemberBadgeIconURL()
Messages may include emojis. But you can't get emojis using ChatItem#getMessage()
. Normal message includes shortcuts instead of emoji. For example, YouTube icon is ":yt:".
How to get emojis:
String message = "";
for (Object obj : item.getMessageExtended()) {
if (obj instanceof Text) {
Text text = (Text) obj;
message += text.getText();
if (obj instanceof Emoji) {
Emoji emoji = (Emoji) obj;
message += emoji.getShortcuts().get(0);
//You can write program here
Emoji can include more than one shortcut.
To get emojis icon url, use Emoji#getIconURL()
. Download and use it!
You can participate in live chat with your channel. It needs some user data: SAPISID, HSID, SSID, APISID, SID, and LOGIN_INFO. The IDs are written in your browser's Cookie.
You can set user data using YouTubeLiveChat#setUserData()
for one of three ways:
// The most default way. IDs can be found in browser's Cookie.
YoutubeLiveChat.setUserData("SAPISID", "HSID", "SSID", "APISID", "SID", "LOGIN_INFO");
// You can use Map (YoutubeLiveChat 1.3.2 or later)
YoutubeLiveChat.setUserData(Map<String, String>);
// You can also copy 'Cookies' header from browser request and paste here. (YoutubeLiveChat 1.4 or later)
// Format: "KEY1: VALUE1; KEY: VALUE2; ..."
// Ignore other cookies that aren't needed (in below example, YSC will be ignored)
YoutubeLiveChat.setUserData("SAPISID: ###; HSID: ###; LOGIN_INFO: ###; YSC: ###; APISID: ###; SID: ###; SSID: ###");
You can send a message using YouTubeLiveChat#sendMessage()
. This function needs user data.
chat.sendMessage("Message that you want to send");
You can delete a message using ChatItem#delete()
. This function needs user data. User must be either the author of the message, moderator or owner to perform this action.
You can timeout the author of the message for 300 seconds using ChatItem#timeoutAuthor()
. This function needs user data. User must be either moderator or owner to perform this action.
You can ban the author of the message from your channel permanently using ChatItem#banAuthor()
. This function needs user data. User must be either moderator or owner to perform this action.
Always be cautious when you use this method. It is recommended to store banned ChatItems so that you can unban later.
You can unban the author of the message who was permanently banned from your channel using ChatItem#unbanAuthor()
. This function needs user data. User must be either moderator or owner to perform this action.
It is recommended to store banned ChatItems when you ban user, so that you can unban later.
You can pin a message at the top banner in live chat using ChatItem#pinAsBanner()
. This function needs user data. User must be either moderator or owner to perform this action.
You can mainly use this to check whether the live has ended.
This information contains some live information(e.g. start time, end time)
If you have an error, you can reset YouTubeLiveChat instance.
After calling this, you don't need to call YouTubeLiveChat#setLocale()
I couldn't enough test some features (Paid Stickers, Ticker Paid Message and Member) because of lack of sample data. So there might some bugs. If you found issues, please notice me in GitHub issues!