If you are using MacOS, Linux or WSL(Windows-Subsystem-Linux), you can skip directly to the installation part
If you are using Windows, you first need to install WSL(Windows-Subsystem-Linux). You might need to reboot your computer for the installation, therefore, save and close all your other work and programs
- Download the following powershell script
- Open a new powershell terminal with admin privileges and run the following command and follow the instructions. Make sure that you open the powershell terminal at the path where you have downloaded the powershell script, otherwise the command will not work because it can not find the script. You can list currently accessible files in the powershell terminal with
and you can usecd
to navigate between directoriesC:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\windows.ps1
- If you experience any issues, try re-running the script a couple of times. If the installation remains unsuccessful, follow this youtube tutorial or post your question in the OLAT forum
- After successful installation, you can open WSL/Ubuntu. You will need to choose a username and password, although no characters will be shown on the screen when typing the password but the system recognizes your input, no worries :) After these four steps your setup should look similar to this
# Installation 1. Open a new MacOS, Linux or WSL(Windows-Subsystem-Linux) terminal. Make sure you have git installed, you can check that by running ```shell git --version ``` The output should be something similar to ```git version X.XX.X```, if not, try to install git in one of the following ways #### MacOS ```shell brew install --formulae git ``` #### Linux/WSL ```shell sudo apt-get install git ``` If you are not using Ubuntu, you will need to install git with your package manager of choice ---
- Clone the repository with git using the following command
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR-CLIENT-REPO
- Navigate to the cloned directory in the terminal, in example with
cd sopra-fs25-student-client
- Inside the repository folder (with
you can list files) there is a bash script setup.sh that will install everything you need, according to the system you are using. Run the following command and follow the instructionssource setup.sh
The screenshot below shows an example of how this looks
The installation script setup.sh can take a few minutes, please be patient and do not abort the process. If you encounter any issues, please close the terminal and open a new one and try to run the command again
If the four steps above did not work for you and re-running the setup.sh script a couple of times did not help, try running the following steps manually
- Open a new MacOS, Linux or WSL(Windows-Subsystem-Linux) terminal and navigate
to the repository with
. Then ensure that curl is installedThe output should be something similar tocurl --version
curl X.X.X
, if not, try to install curl in one of the following waysbrew install --formulae curl
If you are not using Ubuntu, you will need to install curl with your package manager of choicesudo apt-get install curl
- Download Determinate Nix
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -ssf --progress-bar -L https://install.determinate.systems/nix -o install-nix.sh
- Install Determinate Nix
sh install-nix.sh install --determinate --no-confirm --verbose
- Install direnv using nix
If you encounter a permission error, try running with sudo
nix profile install nixpkgs#direnv
sudo nix profile install nixpkgs#direnv
- Find out what shell you are using
echo $SHELL
- Hook direnv into your shell according to this guide
- Allow direnv to access the repository
direnv allow
If all troubleshooting steps above still did not work for you, try the following
as a last resort: Open a new terminal and navigate to the client repository
with cd
. Run the command. Close the terminal again and do this for each of the
six commands above, running each one in its own terminal, one after the other.
With the installation steps above your system now has all necessary tools for developing and running the sopra frontend application. Amongst others, two javascript runtimes have been installed for running the app:
Runtimes is what your system needs to compile
typescript code (used in this project) to
javascript and execute the application. You can use either runtime for this
project, according to your preference. Both come with an included package
manager, npm
for nodejs and deno
for deno. Thereby, the
package.json file defines possible commands that can be
executed (using either deno
or npm
). The following commands are available in
this repository:
- Running the development server - This will start the application in
development mode, meaning that changes to the code are instantly visible live
on http://localhost:3000 in the browser
deno task dev
- Building a production-ready application - This will create an optimized
production build that is faster and takes up less space. It is a static
build, meaning that changes to the code will only be included when the
command is run again
deno task build
- Running the production application - This will start the optimized
production build and display it on
http://localhost:3000 in the browser. This command
can only be run after a production build has been created with the command
above and will not preview live code changes
deno task start
- Linting the entire codebase - This command allows to check the entire
codebase for mistakes, errors and warnings
deno task lint
- Formatting the entire codebase - This command will ensure that proper
indentation, spacing and further styling is applied to the code. This ensures
that the code looks uniform and the same across your team members, it is best
to run this command every time before pushing changes to your repository!
deno task fmt
All of the above mentioned commands can also be run using the nodejs runtime by
substituting deno task
with npm run
, i.e
npm run dev
This year, for the first time, Docker will be used to ease the process of deployment.
Docker is a tool that uses containers as isolated environments, ensuring that the application runs consistently and uniformly across different devices.
Everything in this repository is already set up to minimize your effort for deployment.
All changes to the main branch will automatically be pushed to dockerhub and optimized for production.
- One member of the team should create an account on dockerhub, incorporating the group number into the account name, for example,
.\ - This account then creates a repository on dockerhub with the same name as the group's Github repository name.\
- Finally, the person's account details need to be added as secrets to the group's repository:
- dockerhub_username (the username of the dockerhub account from step 1, for example,
) - dockerhub_password (a generated PAT(personal access token) of the account with read and write access)
- dockerhub_repo_name (the name of the dockerhub repository from step 2)
- dockerhub_username (the username of the dockerhub account from step 1, for example,
Once the image is created and has been successfully pushed to dockerhub, the image can be run on any machine.
Ensure that Docker is installed on the machine you wish to run the container.
First, pull (download) the image with the following command, replacing your username and repository name accordingly.
docker pull <dockerhub_username>/<dockerhub_repo_name>
Then, run the image in a container with the following command, again replacing <dockerhub_username> and <dockerhub_repo_name> accordingly.
docker run -p 3000:3000 <dockerhub_username>/<dockerhub_repo_name>
Installing additional software by modifying flake.nix
As this project uses Determinate Nix for managing development software,
installing additional tools you might need is straightforward. You only need to
adjust the section nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs;
in the
nix flake with the package you would like to install. For
example, if you want to use docker (the Dockerfile and
.dockerignore are already included in this repo) you can
simply add:
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs;
docker ### <- added docker here
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
++ lib.optionals (system == "aarch64-linux") [
and add the package path to the shellHook''
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
inherit nativeBuildInputs;
shellHook = ''
export HOST_PROJECT_PATH="$(pwd)"
export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=sopra-fs25-template-client
export PATH="${pkgs.nodejs}/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="${pkgs.git}/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="${pkgs.deno}/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="${pkgs.watchman}/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="${pkgs.docker}/bin:$PATH" ### <- added docker path here
### rest of code ###
and finally do direnv reload
in your terminal inside the repository folder. If
you need a specific version of a package, you can override it in the overlays
overlays = [
(self: super: {
nodejs = super.nodejs_23; ### <- changed to nodejs 23
This project uses
to automatically optimize and load Geist, a new font
family for Vercel.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.
Please ensure that the repository folder is inside the WSL2 filesystem (otherwise, the disk IO performance will be horrible). If you followed the tutorial closely, this is already the case. If for whatever reason you deviated from the instructions, please take the time now to ensure the repo is on the WSL filesystem. You can do this either by
- Cloning the repository again with git in a WSL/Ubuntu terminal using the
following command and deleting the repository on the windows filesystem
git clone https://github.com/HASEL-UZH/sopra-fs25-template-client
- Using the Windows explorer to move the repository from the windows filesystem to WSL filesystem In the left overview of all folders and drives there should be a new filesystem called Linux (also check in the network tab). Open the Linux drive and open the folder named "home", followed by your username. Copy the whole repository folder from your current location to the Linux folder /home/your-username (note that the folder will initially be empty). Finally, delete the folder from your current location such that you only have the folder inside the Linux filesystem.
- Using the command line in WSL to move the repo Open a new Ubuntu / WSL2
terminal window. This will automatically open your home folder of the Linux
file system. You then need to locate where the repository / folder that you
have downloaded resides. You can use the
cp -ar
command to copy the folder from the Windows drive to the Linux filesystem. The command takes the following arguments: cp source_file target_file. Thus we need to specify source_file the folder we want to copy from Windows filesystem and the target_file where to copy the folder to in the Linux filesystem. As visible in this screenshotthe repository folder resides under the C drive in /mnt/c/. If your file is not on your C drive, the folder path will be something like /mnt/d/. In the screenshot, the downloaded repository folder is in the Downloads folder of the current user on the C drive, thus the path for source_file is
. The terminal in the screenshot is currently in the home directory, indicated by ~ in the path in blue. As we want to copy the folder to the home folder (/home/your-username) we can specify the current directory (.) as the target_file, thus the dot at the end of the command. If you happen to not be in the home folder, you can also run the command with explicitly copying to the home folder as such:Else you can runcp -ar /mnt/c/your-path /home/your-username
with . indicating to copy to the current path (in this case your home folder). You can check if the repository was successfully copied over usingcp -ar /mnt/c/your-path .
to list folders and files, as visible in the screenshot. You can then delete the downloaded folder / repository from the Windows filesystem in the explorer.