Gunbot v12.9.9
- Fix an issue that would calculate wrong ABP for some exchanges like Binance and Kucoin.
- Enable new pairs at Kraken (QTUM, ATOM, TZ). By now we don't need to make manual patches anymore if Kraken adds new pairs: Gunbot would know automatically.
- Your bot now shows a lot more informations about your license, including your rank. Enable automatic upgrade of licenses based on amount of GUNTHY token you hold in your wallet.
-Fix an issue with Poloniex balances. - Fix swap exchanges page being empty for some users.
- Fix Cryptosight not working for some users. Just set TELEGRAM_ENABLED and it will work on top of your old Gunbot telegram bot (might need /start).
- Fix bittrex connection.
- Fix 2500 balance issue for some windows distro.
- Fix BCHABC currency at binance.
- Fix "min precision" undefined in some gdax currencies.
- stop sending telegram old orders messages forever.
- Fix TV plugin.
Please update the entire folder in your Gunbot.