Moving map for Flutter. This project is not stable yet. API may change.
- Moving map tailored for navigation apps
- Camera animation
- Camera focal alignment
- Asynchronous marker resolution when map bounds change
- Auto zoom to fit markers
- Implemented with RenderObject to optimise performance.
- Plain dart code with no dependencies. Supports Android, IOS and Web.
controller: MapController(initialCameraFocal: Latlng(45.6391, 5.8800)),
children: <Widget>[
delegate: RasterTileLayerChildDelegate.osm(),
Layer(children: <Widget>[
Marker(center: Latlng(45.6391, 5.8800)),
delegate: MarkerLayerChildResolverDelegate(
resolver: (bounds) async => BuilderBundle<Latlng>(
iterable: [Latlng(45.6391, 5.9769)].where(bounds.contains),
builder: (_, latlng) => Marker(
key: ValueKey(latlng),
center: latlng,