This is a Python package for automatic Image Classification. Anyone can use this code for their own purpose. If you are interested in contributing to make this project then please follow code-Style and Contribution steps.
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Create and Activate conda environment
conda create -n packaging
conda activate packaging
- Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Fork this repo.
Clone your forked copy of the project.
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory :file_folder
cd Beginner_Track-Python_ImageClassification_Library
- Add a reference(remote) to the original repository.
git remote add upstream
- Check the remotes for this repository.
git remote -v
- Always take a pull from the upstream repository to your master branch to keep it at par with the main project(updated repository).
git pull upstream main
- Create a new branch.
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
- Perform your desired changes to the code base.
- Track your changes:heavy_check_mark:
git add .
- Commit your changes.
git commit -m "Relevant message"
- Push the committed changes in your feature branch to your remote repo.
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
To create a pull request, click on
compare and pull requests
. Please ensure you compare your feature branch to the desired branch of the repository you are supposed to make a PR to. -
Add appropriate title and description to your pull request explaining your changes and efforts done.
Click on
Create Pull Request
. -
Congratulations! You have made a PR. Sit back patiently and relax while your PR is reviewed.
- Python 3.7
- Python OOPS concepts
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Flask
- TensorFlow
- Image Classification Models
- Basic package
- Uploading to PyPi
Maintainer :
Copyright (c) GDSC Rait. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License