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Beginner Track For Hybrid App Development: Women Safety App


In this App, you can find the details related to puberty, health issues, and more. The female will get enough information so that they will not be dependent on others, this women safety app with various features on which women of our society can count on.

Following are the features will build:

  • Get Home Safe: Tracking user's location after specific time (Set by the user)
  • Safe Shake: Shake mobile device to send SOS alerts even if the app is closed!
  • Get health issues information
  • Helplines: Contact nearest police stations, hospitals, fire brigade, pharmacies etc

Anyone can use this code for their own purpose. If you are interested in contributing to make this project then please follow code-Style and Contribution steps.



Step 1:

Download or clone this repo by using the link below:

Step 2:

Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies:

flutter pub get 

Step 3:

execute the following command to run the application:

flutter packages pub run

or watch command in order to keep the source code synced automatically:

flutter packages pub run build_runner watch

Step to Contribute

Click here

1. Fork this repository.

2. Clone your forked copy of the project.

git clone<your_name>/Beginner_Track-Women_Safety-Flutter-App.git 

3. Navigate to the project directory 📁 .

cd Beginner_Track-Women_Safety-Flutter-App

4. Add a reference(remote) to the original repository.

git remote add upstream

5. Check the remotes for this repository.

git remote -v

6. Always take a pull from the upstream repository to your master branch to keep it at par with the main project(updated repository).

git pull upstream main

7. Create a new branch.

git checkout -b <your_branch_name>

8. Perform your desired changes to the code base.

9. Track your changes:heavy_check_mark: .

git add . 

10. Commit your changes .

git commit -m "Relevant message"

11. Push the committed changes in your feature branch to your remote repo.

git push -u origin <your_branch_name>

12. To create a pull request, click on compare and pull requests. Please ensure you compare your feature branch to the desired branch of the repository you are supposed to make a PR to.

13. Add appropriate title and description to your pull request explaining your changes and efforts done.

14. Click on Create Pull Request.

15 Congratulations! You have made a PR. Sit back patiently and relax while your PR is reviewed.


// make wiki guide page for dart code-style

Topics will cover in this project

programming language

  • dart


  • widgets
  • assets
  • static UI
  • dynamic UI
  • animations

3rd party libraries

  • http
  • cached_network_image
  • Flutter_WebView_plugin
  • Font_awesome_flutter
  • geolocator


  • shared preference(for saving emergency contact)

Behavior Components

  • permissions
  • messages manager
  • contact
  • vibration

Extra Topics will cover in beginner track sessions

State Management

  • setState
  • Provider(beginner friendly)


  • Firebase Auth
  • Firebase Database(realtime & firestore)
  • Firebase Storage
  • Firebase Messaging



Maintainer :,


Copyright (c) GDSC Rait. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License


App with various features on which women of our society can count on







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