HELLO, Welcome to HANGMAN 5.0,
I decided to create a game after learning Python. During that time, I had the idea of creating a hangman's game. So I can create a Google spreadsheet for the game can pick up the words.
The game is designed to be fun and bring back pleasant memories for its users.
The design of the website is minimalist but fun. The user can try out the game on a printed circuit board already created by my school @CodeInstitute.
There are just one page for the python can run
Introduction and rules section:
- In this section, we can mostly see the name of the game, a welcome message and the rules of the game. The player can find the first interaction to enter the player's name.
- When the player write the play name:
- when the player writes a value other than letters in the middle of the name, an error will appear asking for letters only.
- Main Game Section:
- Once the player has entered their name they can start playing, the first word to guess appears. The player needs to start placing a letter to see if the guess is right or wrong. In this area the player can see a hit to find out the word more easily. An image of the hangman appears, he starts to appear when the player loses 1 guess.
- If the user guesses a letter correctly, the dash is replaced by the guess and the letter moves to "Letters guessed", the number of lives and the image of the executioner remain unchanged.
- An error message will appear if the user enters anything other than a letter for their guess.
- When the player loses the guess, the image of the hangman begins to build.
- At the end, when the player loses all their guesses, the game ends and the image of the hangman appears complete with the message "Game over (player_name)! The secret word was (guess)". And a yes/no question to "Do you want to play again?
- When the player guesses the word, a message appears "Congratulations (player's name)! You guessed the word correctly". And a yes/no question to "Do you want to play again?
- After the player, answer the question "Play again":
- If the player says yes, the game starts again with another random word.
- If the player says "no" (or another letter), a thank you message is displayed:
- Other Features:
- The Game takes the words for the game from a google API (google sheets), I create a list with the name of the fruit and a short description to help the player make the correct guess.
- All word in one time:
- To make the game more dynamic I've created a variable for the game, when the player already knows the word can match all the words and try to guess instead of matching letter by letter.
- Play Again:
- When the player has to answer the question whether they want to play again, they are obliged to answer yes or no. Any other answer will generate an error.
To test my game I have opened it on different devices, to see if it was working as expected. I have tested all possible outcomes of the game.
Browser tested:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
Operating systems:
- Android
- iOS
- CI Python Linter
- No errors were returned when passing the final version through the CI Python Linter
- Long lines on Python code:
- The solution was to create strings with the variable name outside the function.
- The prints weren't showing:
- The "Wrong guess" or "Correct guess!" prints don't appear on the console, so I've created a 1-minute sleep time so that the player can see the prints.
- none
- The deployment was done through heroku. following the steps below:
- Preparing for deployment:
- Add a new line character ("\n") at the end of each input request.
- Create a list of dependancies to go into the requirements.txt file by typing "pip3 freeze > requirements.txt" into the terminal.
- Deployment:
- Log into Heroku and in the dashboard, press the "Create new app" button.
- Click on the "Settings" tab, scroll down to the "Reveal Config Vars" button and click on it to create config vars.
- Add the first config vars. The key is "CREDS" and value is the contents of the creds.json file.
- Add the second config vars. The key is "PORT" and value is "8000".
- Click on the "Add buildpack" button on the same page and add the buildpacks "python" and "node.js" in this order.
- Click on the "Deploy" tab.
- Choose the "GitHub" deployment method and then connect to GitHub.
- Scroll down to the "Automatic deploys" section, select the "main" branch to deploy from and then press the "Enable Automatic Deploys" button to deploy the project.
- Preparing for deployment:
The live link can be found here - Live Website
- Hangman 5.0 big title from - Text Editor
- Learning to create the game with - Python for Beginners and Hashtag and DIO
- To deploy it, I followed the steps in the Code Institute lesson.
- Python
- GitHub
- CodeAnywhere
- Heroku
- Google API (sheets)
- Python Library´s