Open Source Game Engine Project
- About
- System Requirements
- Original Game Data
- Third-Party Libraries Used
- Build instructions
- Tools overview
- Loading game data
- Resource types
- Thanks
This is an incomplete re-implementation attempt of the Future Cop: LAPD game, developed by Visceral Games (named EA Redwood Shores at the time) and released in 1998 for the PlayStation, Mac OS and Windows platforms.
Right now there is no gameplay yet. However, there is a map viewer that can display the level geometry, a model viewer that can view the models (with animations if available), and a mission reader/ripper that can extract various resources from the game files.
Disclaimer: This project no way is affliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) except that its license is choosen by Ghoster738 for this project.
There are no clearly defined system requirements at this time, however the project's aim is to run on very low spec computers by today standards (but not on the original computers that ran Future Cop when it was released). This should encompass most of today's devices, as the project successful compiled on a Raspberry PI 4.
Although another aim is to create portable code, this code will not work on the PlayStation 1 due to its lack of C++17 support - as developing for C99 would be harder with the constant worry of memory management. However, the code might be able to run on the Raspberry PI Zero.
All these tools (and the actual game when ready) require the presence of the original game data in order to function.
See the autoloading system for a simple way to use it, or use the parameters for the individual programs.
These are the third party libraries that this project uses.
These build instructions are for Ubuntu, might work on Ubuntu derivatives.
Install build tools and packages:
A. Arch-based Linux Distributions through pacman
This command will install the estential packages required by Future Cop M.I.T. Note: You might not have sudo, but at this point you probably know how to use su. However, remember to use root only for pacman.
cmake is what this project uses for cross-platform build automation. make which is generated by camke is used to build the project. gcc is the compiler that is used for this project. It is required for this project to be compiled
sudo pacman -S make cmake gcc
This project requires these libraries.
sudo pacman -S glm sdl2 jsoncpp
Optional: install additional tools and packages:
for compression. -
for PNG export support.
To install libpng and zlib use this command. pacman would install zlib automatically due to libpng using it.
sudo pacman -S libpng
Optional but recommended: install git for repository cloning and build versioning.
sudo pacman -S git
B. Debian-based Linux Distributions through APT
This command will install the essential packages required by Future Cop M.I.T.
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libglm-dev libsdl2-dev libjsoncpp-dev
- Optional: install additional tools and packages:
for compression, but libpng-dev requires it so apt would install this with libpng-dev.libpng-dev
for PNG export support. libpng requires zlib so pacman and APT would install this with libpng.git
for repository cloning and build versioning
sudo apt install libpng-dev git
Get or clone the source code:
A. If you want everything then clone then use this command. On a folder or directory where you want to host the source code.
git clone
B. If you want only just enough to compile for yourself then clone then use this command. On a folder or directory where you want to host the source code.
git clone --depth 1
Get into the source code and get its submodules. Useful for compiling the dependenices:
cd Future-Cop-MIT git submodule update --init --recursive --progress --depth 1
Download the latest source code. (Warning: using git is strongly recommended, because of the ease of automatically downloading the submodules.)
Open the terminal inside the extracted folder where you can find this readme.
Prepare an out of source build:
Note: If you downloaded Future-Cop-MIT manually then open the terminal inside the extracted folder where you can find this readme.
mkdir -p build/linux cd build/linux
Configure the build (add your options if needed):
A. If the gcc version 9.1 or above use this command:
cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
B. Pre 9.1 of gcc would need this command to compile:
Build it with this command (-j is optional, but it would make compiling faster):
make -j<Number of CPU Cores>
For example, if the computer has 8 threads then you would use this command:
make -j8
⚠️ There are no build instructions for Windows at this time.
Follow linux instructions from 1 - 2. Section 1 on Linux shows how to setup part of the packages used to build the project. Section 2 on Linux shows how to get the source code.
Get MinGW-w64.
A. Arch-based Linux Distributions through pacman
sudo pacman -S mingw-w64-gcc
B. Debian-based Linux Distributions through APT: Disclaimer: This command is not tested.
sudo apt install mingw-w64 gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64 mingw-w64-tools
Prepare an out of source build:
Note: If you downloaded Future-Cop-MIT manually then open the terminal inside the extracted folder where you can find this readme.
mkdir -p build/windows cd build/windows
Get the toolchain file from this link link from Peter Spackman. Place it into the windows directory we created last step.
Name the file "mingw-w64-x86_64.cmake" into the build/windows directory. Use the 'ls' command to verify that the toolchain file is there.
Create the build setup.
- rootpath is useful for placing library install paths. make is used as a destination to compile this project and the libraries it uses.
mkdir make rootpath
- setup the make directory with paths. jsoncpp, libpng, and zlib directories hold the libraries used by the project. prime holds this project. Note: SDL2 is excluded on purpose because the vendored SDL2 option on Future Cop MIT is simpler to use.
cd make mkdir jsoncpp libpng prime zlib
Compile and "install" jsoncpp. This library is required to get this project working!
First go into jsoncpp directory.
cd jsoncpp
Then run cmake. This command turns on the post build unit test on purpose because the unit tests requires WINE to run in order to get the tests working.
cmake ../../../../submodules/jsoncpp -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../mingw-w64-x86_64.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-flto -DJSONCPP_WITH_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../rootpath
If cmake is successful use this command. Note: Normally install would require root access, but the install prefix is set to rootpath directory.
make -j<Number of CPU Cores> install
Note: Replace "<Number of CPU Cores>" with a number.
make -j8 install
Get out of the directory to make path.
cd ..
Compile and "install" zlib. This library is optional, but libpng needs this to work.
First go into jsoncpp directory.
cd zlib
Then run cmake. This command turns on the post build unit test on purpose because the unit tests requires WINE to run in order to get the tests working.
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../mingw-w64-x86_64.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../rootpath ../../../../submodules/zlib
If cmake is successful use this command. Note: Normally install would require root access, but the install prefix is set to rootpath directory.
make -j<Number of CPU Cores> install
Get out of the directory to make path.
cd ..
Compile and "install" libpng. This library is optional, but needed for png export.
First go into jsoncpp directory.
cd libpng
Then run cmake. This command turns on the post build unit test on purpose because the unit tests requires WINE to run in order to get the tests working.
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../mingw-w64-x86_64.cmake -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=../../rootpath/include -DZLIB_LIBRARY=../../rootpath/bin/libzlib.dll -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../rootpath ../../../../submodules/libpng
If cmake is successful use this command. Note: Normally install would require root access, but the install prefix is set to rootpath directory.
make -j<Number of CPU Cores> install
Get out of the directory to make path.
cd ..
Final compile step.
First go into prime directory.
cd prime
This is the minimal steps for the windows build with no png support.
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../mingw-w64-x86_64.cmake -DJSON_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR=../../rootpath/include -DJSON_CPP_LIBRARY=../../rootpath/bin/libjsoncpp.dll -DFCOption_GLM_VENDORED=ON -DFCOption_SDL2_VENDORED=ON ../../../../
This is the full build steps for the windows build with png support
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../mingw-w64-x86_64.cmake -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=../../rootpath/include -DZLIB_LIBRARY=../../rootpath/bin/libzlib.dll -DPNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR=../../rootpath/include -DPNG_LIBRARY_RELEASE=../../rootpath/bin/libpng16.dll -DJSON_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR=../../rootpath/include -DJSON_CPP_LIBRARY=../../rootpath/bin/libjsoncpp.dll -DFCOption_GLM_VENDORED=ON -DFCOption_SDL2_VENDORED=ON ../../../../
Finally, compile the program with this command.
make -j<Number of CPU Cores>
Running the executables requires certain libraries in the same location as the executables to run.
These are libraries in the same location as the executables that have been compiled.
cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll libgcc_s_seh-1.dll cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll libwinpthread-1.dll cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/libstdc++-6.dll libstdc++-6.dll
This library is required to get the project to running.
cp ../../rootpath/bin/libjsoncpp.dll libjsoncpp.dll
This library is required to get the project to running. If you had not compiled the project with zlib and libpng, then you do not have to include these two libraries.
cp ../../rootpath/bin/libzlib.dll libzlib.dll cp ../../rootpath/bin/libpng16.dll libpng16.dll
Optional Running your hard work on Linux.
Get wine to test/run the executable. If you already have wine skip this step.
A. Arch-based Linux Distributions through pacman
Use these instructions from to install wine. You only need the 64 bit version of wine to run this project.
B. Debian-based Linux Distributions through APT:
Use these instructions from to install wine. You only need the 64 bit version of wine to run this project.
Now, you can run my project on linux.
wine FCopMIT.exe
⚠️ There are no build instructions for Mac OS at this time.
This repository contains a map viewer, a model viewer, and a mission file ripper that can read game data from all platforms Future Cop was released on, with the Windows version being the best in terms of reading and understanding game data.
Note that these tools are not capable of making new mission files, they only decode and export. If you want to make a new map, use BahKooJ's FC3DEditor.
This is a pure terminal program built in order to showcase the decoding ability. It exports the game resources from the game files to a common formats (.png
for images, .wav
for sounds, .json
for actors, etc)
FCMissionReader [-h] [-i <path>] [-o <path>] [-r] [-d] [-c]
Parameter | Description |
-h |
Display the help screen. |
-i <path> |
Mission file to be read, up to two files are supported. |
-o <path> |
Path to the folder where to write the decoded data. Warning: This should be an existing directory, and it should be empty. |
-r |
Export the raw resources of the mission file |
-d |
Export the resources of the mission file into more common data formats. |
-c |
Determine and write the similarities between two inputs. |
FCMissionReader -i path/to/mission/File1 -i path/to/mission/File2
FCMissionReader -i path/to/mission/File -o path/to/existing/directory
FCMissionReader -i path/to/mission/File -o path/to/existing/directory -r
FCMissionReader -i path/to/mission/File -o path/to/existing/directory -d
The primary executable of this project.
FCopMIT [-h|--help]
[--width <number>] [--height <number>]
[--res <number>x<number>]
[--config <path>] [--user <path>]
[--win-data <path>] [--mac-data <path>] [--psx-data <path>]
[--path <file path>] [--global <file path>]
Parameter | Description |
-h , --help |
Display this help screen and exit. |
--width <number> |
Window width, in pixels. |
--height <number> |
Window height, in pixels. |
---res <number>x<number> |
Window width and height in pixels, as a single parameter. |
--fullscreen |
Full screen mode. |
--window |
Window mode. |
--user <path> |
Path to directory - savegames and screenshots |
--config <path> |
Path to game configuration directory |
--win-data <path> |
Path to directory - Future Cop LAPD original Windows data |
--mac-data <path> |
Path to directory - Future Cop LAPD original Macintosh data |
--psx-data <path> |
Path to directory - Future Cop LAPD original Playstation data |
--export-path <path> |
Path to directory - path to where exported models go from the model viewer |
--global <file path> |
Path to the global file which every map uses. |
--path <file path> |
Path to the mission file which contains the rest of the data like the map. |
FCopMIT --window --res 1024x768
FCopMIT --fullscreen --res 1920x1080
FCopMIT --global /path/to/global_mission --path "/path/to/mission"
This is a list of level names that are used internally.
Crime War | Precinct Assault |
griffith-park |
pa-urban-jungle |
zuma-beach |
pa-venice-beach |
la-brea-tar-pits |
pa-hollywood-keys |
venice-beach |
pa-proving-grounds |
hells-gate-prison |
pa-bug-hunt |
studio-city |
pa-la-centina |
lax-spaceport |
lax-spaceport-part-2 |
long-beach |
By placing the game data in a certain directory (depending on the platform) the FCopMIT will load and parse data.
Please see the documentation file named Paths
Note that paths are case-sensitive on Mac and Linux:
This is a list of internal resources that can be read and understood - there are still some gaps in understanding all of them, noted with italics.
Type | Description |
The "actors" of the game. As of now only one type of act can be read. |
Animated 64x48 images. It is only used in Crime War for some reason. |
Textures. Incomplete understanding so far of the Windows and Mac OS format. |
Font resource. |
Music resource. |
Navigation node data for ground allies and enemies. |
Model information, with animation. Incomplete understanding of some polygon data. |
Map tile index information. |
Billboards or the particle textures. |
Voice resource. |
Map cluster of tiles. Format is a bit weird, but ingenious nevertheless. |
Sound effects resource. |
This is list of exported resource formats and the corresponding internal format for the original game data.
- Audio resources - exported to
: Very easy to convertSNDS
: PCM audioMSIC
: Also PCM audio
- Image resources - exported to
if support is enabled):ANM
: All the animation frames are exported in a single image with the individual frames being stacked vertically.BMP
: A single 256x256 image for each resource.PYR
: This gets separated into textures.FNTP
: Font data exported as raster image.
- Model resources - exported to
: A single 3D model per resource is created.TIL
: A single 3D model of the tile clusters.
- Font resources - exported to
: Font data exported as character descriptions.
- Meta resources - exported to
format to make the exports more readable:ACT
: Only what seems to be "prop" types from the game are exported at this time.NET
: Only coordinates and some other properties are exported at this time.
BahKooJ for various information about Future Cop.
Killermosi/kkmic for improving parameter system, the filesystem, and the options system.