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This is a user dashboard management project built with:

  • Typescript
  • Vite
  • React
    • react-hook-form
    • react-router-dom
    • axios
  • Tailwind css
  • Cypress

Inicializing the project

to install the docker container, run

docker pull peachg/user-dashboard-server:latest

If you wish to install directly from github, clone this repo, then run

yarn install
yarn build
yarn dev

and the project will be made available on http://localhost:8080/

Project structure

├── /components
│   └── /
├── /hooks
├── /libs
│   └── /
├── /pages
├── /styles

Usage of hooks


This custom React hook provides a centralized authentication context for managing user state, authentication tokens, and navigation within your application. It includes the following key features:

Authentication State Management: Tracks the currently logged-in user and authentication token, with persistence via localStorage.

  • Login Flow: Validates user credentials, retrieves an authentication token, fetches the user's details, and redirects to the dashboard.
  • Logout: Clears user state and token, and redirects to the login page.
  • Context Provider: Wraps your application, allowing easy access to authentication state and actions through the useAuth() hook.


  1. Wrap your app with AuthProvider:
import AuthProvider from "./path/to/AuthProvider";

function App() {
  return (
    <AuthProvider>{/* Your application routes/components */}</AuthProvider>
  1. Access the authentication context:
import { useAuth } from "./path/to/AuthProvider";

function MyComponent() {
  const { user, loginAction, logout, loading } = useAuth();

  // Example usage:
  const handleLogin = async () => {
    await loginAction({ email: "", password: "password" });

  return (
      {loading ? <p>Loading...</p> : <p>Welcome, {user?.name}</p>}
      <button onClick={logout}>Logout</button>


This custom React hook simplifies the implementation of pagination for paginated APIs. It manages current page state, handles data fetching, and provides utility functions for navigating through pages.


  • Data Fetching: Automatically fetches paginated data based on the current page and items per page using a provided fetch function.
  • Page Navigation: Includes helper methods (prev and next) to navigate between pages, with boundary checks.
  • State Management: Tracks the current page, loading state, fetched data, and total number of pages.


  1. Define a fetch function that matches the expected signature:
async function fetchUsers(page: number, perPage: number): Promise<UserList> {
  const response = await fetch(`/api/users?page=${page}&perPage=${perPage}`);
  return response.json();
  1. Use the hook in your component:
import usePagination from "./path/to/usePagination";

function UserList() {
  const { users, loading, currentPage, totalPages, prev, next } = usePagination(
  ); // 10 items per page

  if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;

  return (
        { => (
          <li key={}>{}</li>
        <button onClick={prev} disabled={currentPage === 1}>
          Page {currentPage} of {totalPages}
        <button onClick={next} disabled={currentPage === totalPages}>


  • fetchFunc: A function that accepts page and perPage as arguments and returns a promise resolving to a UserList.
  • itemsPerPage: Number of items to display per page.

Return Values

  • users: The array of fetched items for the current page.
  • loading: Indicates if data is being fetched.
  • currentPage: The current page number.
  • totalPages: The total number of pages available (if provided in the API response).
  • prev and next: Functions to navigate between pages.

Form component

The Form component is a reusable and dynamic form builder built using the react-hook-form library. It streamlines form creation with validation and submission handling, supporting various input types and custom validation rules.


  • Dynamic Inputs: Accepts a customizable list of inputs, each with its type, placeholder, and validation rules.
  • Validation: Utilizes react-hook-form's robust validation system, including conditional and cross-field validation.
  • Loading State: Integrates with the authentication context to display a loading state for asynchronous operations.
  • Customizable Submit: Accepts a submitFunc for handling form submissions asynchronously.


  submitFunc={loginAction} // Function to handle form submission
      id: "email",
      type: "email",
      place_holder: "E-mail",
      validations: {
        required: { value: true, message: "Email is required" },
        pattern: {
          value: /^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ .]{2,}$/,
          message: "Invalid email format",
      id: "password",
      type: "password",
      place_holder: "Password",
      validations: {
        required: { value: true, message: "Password is required" },
        minLength: {
          value: 6,
          message: "Password must be at least 6 characters long",


  • submitFunc: A function executed on form submission, receiving form data as its argument.
  • inputList: An array of input configurations:
    • id: The unique key identifying the field (matches your schema).
    • type: Input type (e.g., "email", "password", "text").
    • place_holder: Placeholder text for the input field.
    • validations: Validation rules using react-hook-form's RegisterOptions.
  • label: Text displayed on the submit button.


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