Rust Command Line tool to manage GEMA loyalty tokens.
We as GEMA created a tool to manage and account our tokens and also for devs to manage their tokens. Issues regarding it are welcome.
The goal of this program is to create crypto accounts or any accounts and add entries to them. Accounts are composed of :
- a token name
- a currency
- a balance
Make sure you have rust installed then open the folder and run:
cargo build
The exe file will then be created and stored in the directory /target/debug/accountscli.exe Navigate using your terminal to the directory.
We also included a guide on how to use the commands which pops with just running the tool without any command or the
$ ./gemaaccountscli.exe
$ ./gemaaccountscli.exe --help
To create a new account, use:
$ ./gemaaccountscli.exe --new my-crypto-account # Creates an account.
Account 'my-crypto-account' created.
Entries are compose of :
- a label/name of token
- an amount
- it's type (withdrawal or deposit)
- a date (optional)
- notes (optional)
To create an entry, use:
$ ./gemaaccountscli.exe --new my-crypto-account "BITCOIN" "0.0010" + # Add an entry with "BITCOIN" as a label and "0.0010" as the amount. With + it is a deposit and - acts as a withdrawal.
$ ./gemaaccountscli.exe --new my-crypto-account "NEAR" "21" + "10/06/2022" "Purchased at Binance" # this one has a date and a note, and it is a withdrawal.
New entry 'BITCOIN' created.
New entry 'NEAR' created.
$ ./gemaaccountscli.exe --list my-crypto-account
| Label | Amount | Date | Note |
| BITCOIN | + 0.0010 Coins | Tue Jun 14 06:52:21 2022 | |
| NEAR | + 21 Coins | 10/06/2022 | Purchased at Binance |
'my-crypto-account' balance: 21.0010 Coins.
You can add, list, remove, rename, change currency of your accounts and entries, and check your token balance.
- prettytable-rs -> A library for printing pretty formatted tables in terminal
- serde_json -> A JSON serialization file format
- colored -> The most simple way to add colors in your terminal
- chrono -> Date and Time for Rust
- serde -> A generic serialization/deserialization framework