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Design Event

Martin Treacy-Schwartz edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

Every game is special. Therefore some needed events might not be covered by our other event types. The design event is available for you to add your own event-id hierarchy.

Please note that custom dimensions and progression filters will not be added on design and error events. Therefore you cannot (at the moment) filter by these when viewing design or error metrics.


To add a design event call the following method.

EBUS_EVENT(GameAnalytics::GameAnalyticsRequestBus, AddDesignEvent, "Kill:Sword:Robot");

It is also possible to add a float value to the event.
This will (in addition to count) make the mean and sum aggregation available in the tool.

GameAnalytics.AddDesignEvent("BossFights:FireLord:KillTimeUsed", 234);


Field Type Description Example
eventId string The eventId is a hierarchy string that can consist of 1-5 segments separated by ':'. Each segment can have a max length of 32. "StartGame:ClassLevel1_5", "StartGame:ClassLevel6_10"
value float A float event tied to the eventId. Will result in sum & mean values being available. 34.5


It is important to not generate an excessive amount of unique nodes possible in the event hierarchy tree.

A bad implementation example.

level_name could be 100 values, weapon_used could be 300 values and damage_done could be 1-5000 perhaps. This will generate an event hierarchy with:

100 * 300 * 5000 = 1.5M possible nodes.

This is far too many. Also the damage should be put as a value and not in the event string. The processing will perhaps be blocked for a game doing this and cause other problems when browsing our tool.

The maximum amount of unique nodes generated should be around 10k.


Please read our event guide here.
You will get the most benefit of GameAnalytics when understanding what and how to track.



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