MacOS utility to change desktop background image for all virtual desktops and monitors
To install system-wide to /usr/local/bin
git clone
cd desktop-image-switcher
sudo make install
Or if you want, just run chmod +x desktop-image-switcher
and put it where ever you like.
cd desktop-image-switcher
sudo make uninstall
To set the image for all three desktops to Peak:
desktop-image-switcher "/System/Library/Desktop Pictures/Peak.heic" 3
The first argument is the image to set, the second argument is the number of desktops. If you don't specify a number of desktops, desktop-image-switcher will default to 5.
The first time you run the utility, you will be prompted to allow the terminal emulator to control your computer:
This is because of my implementation approach of cycling through the desktops by sending Ctrl+Arrow keys. Click Ok then add your Terminal or iTerm to the list of allowed applications:
If the prompt fails for some reason, you can add your terminal emulator to the list at Security and Privacy -> Accessiblity -> Allow the apps below to control your computer
. Apple support article
Only the latest version of macOS is supported by this project.
I wrote a blog post about my debugging process leading up to creation of this tool: