A RFB Plugin to improve FML for 1.7.10.
- Adds Nested Jar (Jar-in-Jar) support
- Picks the latest version of a coremod/mod to load if multiple are found
- Adds a ParallelModDiscoverer to speed up mod loading
- Updates ASMDataTable to also capture interfaces like later versions of FML/Forge do
- Includes various speedups from various sources, including CoreTweaks and newer versions of FML/Forge
Inspired by and/or code adapted from (see LICENSE for more details):
- ForgeModLoader
- Fabric-loader
- FancyModLoader
- CoreTweaks
- Minecraft 1.7.10 only.
- Requires RetroFuturaBootstrap
- Has only been tested with the mods included in the GT New Horizons modpack.