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Backport 1.12.2 config subcategory behavior (#58)
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* backport 1.12.2 config subcategory behavior

* remove test stuff

* allow for empty parent category

* refactor processConfigInternal & add method to manually save a config

* refactor getConfigElements into one method

* use correct logger

* better logging when a @DefaultEnum has an incorrect value

* stop crashing if an array doesn't have a default value defined

* wrong declaring class

* don't double wrap proxy elements
  • Loading branch information
Lyfts authored Sep 1, 2024
1 parent 0b01adb commit d1714b9
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Showing 6 changed files with 588 additions and 133 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/java/com/gtnewhorizon/gtnhlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public void printMessageAboveHotbar(String message, int displayDuration, boolean

* Sends packet from server to client that will display message above hotbar.
* @see ClientProxy#printMessageAboveHotbar
public void sendMessageAboveHotbar(EntityPlayerMP player, IChatComponent chatComponent, int displayDuration,
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/com/gtnewhorizon/gtnhlib/config/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,22 @@
float value();

@interface RangeDouble {

double min() default -Double.MAX_VALUE;

double max() default Double.MAX_VALUE;

@interface DefaultDouble {

double value();

@interface DefaultDoubleList {
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366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/com/gtnewhorizon/gtnhlib/config/
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@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
package com.gtnewhorizon.gtnhlib.config;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property;

import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import lombok.val;

public class ConfigFieldParser {

private static final Map<Class<?>, Parser> PARSERS = new HashMap<>();

static {
PARSERS.put(boolean.class, new BooleanParser());
PARSERS.put(Boolean.class, new BooleanParser());
PARSERS.put(int.class, new IntParser());
PARSERS.put(Integer.class, new IntParser());
PARSERS.put(float.class, new FloatParser());
PARSERS.put(Float.class, new FloatParser());
PARSERS.put(double.class, new DoubleParser());
PARSERS.put(Double.class, new DoubleParser());
PARSERS.put(String.class, new StringParser());
PARSERS.put(String[].class, new StringArrayParser());
PARSERS.put(double[].class, new DoubleArrayParser());
PARSERS.put(int[].class, new IntArrayParser());
PARSERS.put(Enum.class, new EnumParser());

public static void loadField(Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category)
throws NoSuchFieldException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException,
ConfigException {
Parser parser = getParser(field);
var comment = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.Comment.class)).map(Config.Comment::value)
.map((lines) -> String.join("\n", lines)).orElse("");
val name = getFieldName(field);
val langKey = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.LangKey.class)).map(Config.LangKey::value)
parser.load(instance, field, config, category, name, comment, langKey);

public static void saveField(Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category)
throws IllegalAccessException, ConfigException {
val name = getFieldName(field);
Parser parser = getParser(field);, field, config, category, name);

private static Parser getParser(Field field) throws ConfigException {
Class<?> fieldClass = field.getType();
Parser parser = PARSERS.get(fieldClass);
if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)) {
parser = PARSERS.get(Enum.class);

if (parser == null) {
throw new ConfigException(
"No parser found for field " + field.getName() + " of type " + fieldClass.getName() + "!");

return parser;

public static boolean canParse(Field field) {
Class<?> fieldClass = field.getType();
return PARSERS.containsKey(fieldClass) || Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass);

public static String getFieldName(Field field) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Config.Name.class)) {
return field.getAnnotation(Config.Name.class).value();
return field.getName();

private static Field extractField(Class<?> clazz, String field) {
return clazz.getDeclaredField(field);

private static Object extractValue(Field field) {
return field.get(null);

public interface Parser {

void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException,
InvocationTargetException, NoSuchFieldException, ConfigException;

void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException;

private static class BooleanParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean boxed = field.getType().equals(Boolean.class);
val defaultValue = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultBoolean.class))
.orElse(boxed ? (Boolean) field.get(instance) : field.getBoolean(instance));
field.setBoolean(instance, config.getBoolean(name, category, defaultValue, comment, langKey));

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean boxed = field.getType().equals(Boolean.class);
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set(boxed ? (Boolean) field.get(instance) : field.getBoolean(instance));

private static class IntParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean boxed = field.getType().equals(Integer.class);
val range = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.RangeInt.class));
val min =;
val max =;
val defaultValue = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultInt.class))
.orElse(boxed ? (Integer) field.get(instance) : field.getInt(instance));
field.setInt(instance, config.getInt(name, category, defaultValue, min, max, comment, langKey));

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean boxed = field.getType().equals(Integer.class);
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set(boxed ? (Integer) field.get(instance) : field.getInt(instance));

private static class FloatParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean boxed = field.getType().equals(Float.class);
val range = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.RangeFloat.class));
val min =;
val max =;
val defaultValue = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultFloat.class))
.orElse(boxed ? (Float) field.get(instance) : field.getFloat(instance));
field.setFloat(instance, config.getFloat(name, category, defaultValue, min, max, comment, langKey));

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean boxed = field.getType().equals(Float.class);
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set(boxed ? (Float) field.get(instance) : field.getFloat(instance));

private static class DoubleParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean boxed = field.getType().equals(Double.class);
val range = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.RangeDouble.class));
val min =;
val max =;
val defaultValue = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultDouble.class))
.orElse(boxed ? (Double) field.get(instance) : field.getDouble(instance));
val defaultValueComment = comment + " [range: " + min + " ~ " + max + ", default: " + defaultValue + "]";
config.get(category, name, defaultValue, defaultValueComment, min, max).setLanguageKey(langKey)

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean boxed = field.getType().equals(Double.class);
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set(boxed ? (Double) field.get(instance) : field.getDouble(instance));

private static class StringParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException {
val defaultValue = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultString.class))
.map(Config.DefaultString::value).orElse((String) field.get(instance));
val pattern = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.Pattern.class)).map(Config.Pattern::value)
field.set(instance, config.getString(name, category, defaultValue, comment, langKey, pattern));

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set((String) field.get(instance));

private static class EnumParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey)
throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, ConfigException {
Class<?> fieldClass = field.getType();
val enumValues =[]) fieldClass.getDeclaredMethod("values").invoke(instance))
.map((obj) -> (Enum<?>) obj).collect(Collectors.toList());
val defaultValue = (Enum<?>) Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultEnum.class))
.map(Config.DefaultEnum::value).map((defName) -> extractField(fieldClass, defName))

if (defaultValue == null) {
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid default value for enum field " + field.getName()
+ " of type "
+ fieldClass.getName()
+ " in config class "
+ field.getDeclaringClass().getName()
+ " Valid values are: "
+ enumValues);

val possibleValues =[]::new);
String value = config.getString(
comment + "\nPossible values: " + Arrays.toString(possibleValues) + "\n",

try {
if (!Arrays.asList(possibleValues).contains(value)) {
throw new NoSuchFieldException();
Field enumField = fieldClass.getDeclaredField(value);
if (!enumField.isEnumConstant()) {
throw new NoSuchFieldException();
field.set(instance, enumField.get(instance));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
"Invalid value " + value
+ " for enum configuration field "
+ field.getName()
+ " of type "
+ fieldClass.getName()
+ " in config class "
+ field.getDeclaringClass().getName()
+ "! Using default value of "
+ defaultValue
+ "!");
field.set(instance, defaultValue);

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set(((Enum<?>) field.get(instance)).name());

private static class StringArrayParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException {

String[] defaultValue = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultStringList.class))
.map(Config.DefaultStringList::value).orElse((String[]) field.get(instance));
if (defaultValue == null) defaultValue = new String[0];
String[] value = config.getStringList(name, category, defaultValue, comment, null, langKey);
field.set(instance, value);

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set((String[]) field.get(instance));

private static class DoubleArrayParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException {
double[] defaultValue = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultDoubleList.class))
.map(Config.DefaultDoubleList::value).orElse((double[]) field.get(instance));

if (defaultValue == null) defaultValue = new double[0];

String[] stringValues = new String[defaultValue.length];
for (int i = 0; i < defaultValue.length; i++) {
stringValues[i] = Double.toString(defaultValue[i]);
comment = comment + " [default: " + Arrays.toString(stringValues) + "]";
double[] value = config.get(category, name, defaultValue, comment).getDoubleList();

field.set(instance, value);

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set((double[]) field.get(instance));

private static class IntArrayParser implements Parser {

public void load(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name,
String comment, String langKey) throws IllegalAccessException {
int[] defaultValue = Optional.ofNullable(field.getAnnotation(Config.DefaultIntList.class))
.map(Config.DefaultIntList::value).orElse((int[]) field.get(instance));

if (defaultValue == null) defaultValue = new int[0];

String[] stringValues = new String[defaultValue.length];
for (int i = 0; i < defaultValue.length; i++) {
stringValues[i] = Integer.toString(defaultValue[i]);
comment = comment + " [default: " + Arrays.toString(stringValues) + "]";
int[] value = config.get(category, name, defaultValue, comment).getIntList();

field.set(instance, value);

public void save(@Nullable Object instance, Field field, Configuration config, String category, String name)
throws IllegalAccessException {
Property prop = config.getCategory(category).get(name);
prop.set((int[]) field.get(instance));

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