21967503 - Sıla Gerçek
21967282 - Serkan Albayır
21967646 - Aybüke Küçük
21967569 - Oğuzhan Gürcan
Determination of Areas for the Container Houses Neighbourhoods To Mitigate the Effects of the 6 February Earthquake
To improve the living conditions and increase the resilience of earthquake victims in the 6 March Türkiye earthquake by identifying suitable locations for container house neighbourhoods.
- To identify the areas affected by the 6 March Türkiye earthquake using satellite imagery and ground surveys.
- To assess the suitability of potential locations for container house districts based on factors such as slope, soil type, accessibility, and proximity to essential services.
- To assess the capacity of these areas to accommodate the number of earthquake victims in need of housing.
- To create a spatial database of potential container house neighborhood sites in QGIS, including information on site characteristics and suitability.
- To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of using container houses compared to traditional tent-based solutions.
- To develop a decision support system using QGIS tools to assist in the selection of optimal container house neighborhood sites.
- To prioritize sites based on criteria such as population density, vulnerability, and need for housing, and to recommend the most suitable sites for the implementation of container house neighborhoods.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the container house neighborhood approach in improving the living conditions and increasing the resilience of earthquake victims in the 6 March Türkiye earthquake.
- To promote the long-term sustainability and integration of the earthquake survivor sites, ensure that the affected population is empowered and supported to recover from the earthquake and rebuild their lives more comfortably.
- Collection of data on terrain, structures, population density, roads, water resources and other geographical features in the earthquake area.
- Meeting computer hardware and software requirements for the installation and use of QGIS software.
- Determination of suitable areas in the earthquake zone, analysis of these areas according to factors such as security, infrastructure, environmental conditions, access, etc.
- Planning the areas where the container houses will be placed, the size of the areas, the distance between them, the determination of the access roads.
- Mapping of the project in line with the plans made and determined areas.
- Obtaining or seeking funding sources necessary to finance the project.
- Informing people living in the earthquake area about the benefits and use of container houses.
- Designing and constructing container houses in accordance with earthquake risk.
- Designing container houses as earthquake resistant, taking precautions such as fire safety and security cameras.
- Determination of the people who will take part in the project, creation of the work schedule and budget, management of the project reporting and evaluation process.