- Project name: Adolescent Brain Development
- Project location: University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Project duration: 2014-2020
- Funding: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- Ethics approval: Approved by local research ethics board (ethics ID: REB13-1346)
- Contact email address: brainmri@ucalgary.ca
- 7051 files, 55.7GB
- MRI modalities: T1, T2, DWI (b900, b2000), ihMT, QSM, mcDESPOT, fMRI (resting state), ASL
- 51 Subjects
16 subjecst with 1 time point only
23 subjects with 2 time points
12 subjects with 3 time points
bids-validator output that describes type of data and # subjects
Healthy children were recruited via posters and word of mouth. Children were recruited between 6 and 13 years of age. Inclusion criteria were: 1) uncomplicated birth between 37 to 42 weeks' gestation, 2) no history of developmental disorder or psychiatric disease, 3) no history of neurosurgery, 4) no contraindications to MRI. All subjects provided informed assent and parents/guardians provided writted informed assent.
All data was acquired at the Alberta Children's Hospital on a GE 3T Discovery MR750w system.
Participants were asked to return after 2 years to provide a longitudinal time point with the same scan protocol and cognitive examination battery. Some participants returned for a third visit, as they reached 4 years from their initial time point while the study was still actively acquiring data.
A battery of cognitive examinations was also collected during study visits. Exams were conducted in an isolated exam room with the examiner and participant only. Subtests from several studies were included in this battery, and administered if the participant was of appropriate age per subtest. This typically occurred during a separate appointment unless participants requested MRI and cognitive exam on the same day. The full list of subtests was:
- Block Design
- Vocabulary
- Matrix Reasoning
- Similarities
- Comprehension of Instructions
- Narrative Memory
- Phonological Processing
- Speeded Naming
- WIAT-III (Canadian)
- Early Reading Skills
- Reading Comprehension
- Math Problem Solving
- Word Reading
- Pseudoword Decoding
- Numerical Operations
- Oral Reading Fluency
- Math Fluency (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication)
Cognitive scores may be requested using the contact email above.