Releases: FuzzyGamesOn/RE2R_AP_Client
Bug fixes for the holidays
This smaller release mainly aims to fix a couple of important bugs that were found since the last release.
Included in this release:
- The "Max" option for ammo pack randomization has more accurate maximums for each ammo type
- Renaming locations so they are more easily identified for tracking purposes (@dontjoome)
Ammo Quantity Randomization and Various Fixes
This release adds ammo pack quantity modification/randomization, adds the remaining Hiding Place locations and randomizes all of them (@JustNU), and fixes a number of logic problems in RPD.
Other new features in this release:
- The Rookie Desk item in RPD's West Office is now randomized (@JustNU)
- The T-Bar Handle in Sewer's Treatment Room is now randomized, and will not be randomized beyond Sewers
- Sewers Key will no longer be randomized beyond Sewers, preventing chains that could lead to the Sewers softlock
- Players will no longer receive duplicate medallions, preventing a softlock at the Goddess Statue in RPD
- New in-game client button that gives a single Hip Pouch when pressed
- The option to avoid progression in Labs now supports the absurd Progression + Useful item classification used by some games
- Added the MQ11 upgrade for Claire campaigns
Additionally, this release includes a number of bug fixes:
- Duplicate regions during generation of B side campaigns
- Various issues when preventing items from being placed in certain locations or areas to prevent softlocks (@JustNU)
- When a player is respawning after a death, any incoming damage traps that would kill are ignored
- Potential fix for B scenarios sometimes not receiving starting hip pouches properly
- Weapon randomizer not properly including the starting weapon's upgrades (@JustNU)
- RPD Roof's Helicopter Crash item being in logic before Parking Garage is accessible
- Lounge - RPD connections to Library and STARS Hallway in RPD
- Logical requirements to access Secret Room, which no longer requires Bolt Cutters
- RPD's Roof (in LA/LB) only being logically accessible with Square Crank (now is in logic with Jack Handle too)
- RPD's Roof (in CA/CB) requiring Jack Handle when it should be accessible with Diamond and Heart Keys
- RPD's Interrogation Room (LA/LB) only being logically accessible with Square Crank (now is in logic with Jack Handle too)
- RPD Roof and Interrogation/Observation rooms now requiring items to return to RPD to be in logic for their respective campaigns
- Annette's wristband being in logic too early in Labs in Claire campaigns
- Mismatch with a couple of Leon's film items
- Hip pouches option total exceeding the maximum number of pouches
- General Python 3.12 compatibility
Deathlink, Traps, GUI Overhaul, and support for AP 0.5.0
This release adds DeathLink, adds Poison and Damage traps, and reworks the in-game GUI to be more readable and helpful. Additionally, this release updates the game client to be compatible with changes in Archipelago version 0.5.0.
Other new features in this release:
- The last AP server that you connected to is now saved and auto-filled in the client
- The RPD Lobby typewriter is now disabled until after you speak to Marvin for the first time, preventing a potential softlock
- Received items that are waiting for a nearby item box are now listed in the GUI
Additionally, this release includes a number of bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where received gunpowder would not actually be received when using weapon rando
- Removed hardcore locations that were copied from standard but don't exist in hardcore (@dontjoome)
- Fixed logic bugs related to RPD 3F, which should resolve recent Universal Tracker issues
- Fixed a bug where hardcore would sometimes look up the standard version of a hardcore location
- Fixed a bug where the randomizer mod would remove scenery objects during a vanilla playthrough of the game
- Fixed an incorrect region on a couple of the Parking Garage -> Jail locations
Finally, this randomizer mod would not have been possible without the help of a few members of the community, and the mod credits now include more of these helpful and wonderful folks. 😃
Beta bug fixes
This release includes a number of bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where item pickups made the player invincible until they interacted with another object
- Fix for Claire scenarios receiving Leon's wristbands, making the scenario unbeatable
- Fix for Orphanage typewriter button in Claire scenarios
- Safes and statues now mark as completed on the map when they're checked
- Note: This adds back the opening animation for both.
- Large Gear and Joint Plug now always go to the box to help prevent inventory overlap bugs
- General bug fixes for inventory counting and item box discovery, which may be causing various intermittent bugs
- Added an additional check to prevent Ada and Sherry from receiving items before their skips are completed
- Fixed a bug where receiving hip pouches beyond the maximum would put the hip pouch in inventory instead
- Completing a seed now sends the Victory item (to yourself) as expected
... and one new feature:
- Opening the Chief's door as Claire now removes the shutter in East Hallway 2F, allowing easy return to front of RPD
Note: Be sure to always update your client and apworld together. In a lot of cases, newer apworlds won't work with older clients, and vice versa.
Cross-Scenario Weapon Rando and Various Fixes
This release adds optional weapon randomization from all weapons in all scenarios, with various options to customize what should be randomized (including starting weapon). Weapon rando also affects the pre-existing Bonus Start YAML option.
Additionally, a number of other additions or fixes were included:
- It is now possible to switch seeds or start another seed without relaunching the game
- There is now a button to re-receive all items, in case an issue with receiving items was encountered early on
- Labels in the connection window are now on the left of the textboxes
- The box and button to send commands is removed, as commands are not implemented at this time
- A scenarios will now open the East Hallway shutter after the first Marvin cutscene to allow revisiting early East Hallway
- This also removes the Fuse - Main Hall from the item pool in A scenarios
- Claire scenarios now have an Orphanage typewriter teleport available
Added all Scenarios and Hardcore
This client release includes the following:
- Support for the Claire A, Leon A, and Claire B scenarios, courtesy of Solidus!
- Support for Hardcore difficulty across all 4 scenarios
- Received items will now wait if you're using the item box or too far from an item box to receive
- Added an "Unlock All" button in the Typewriters menu
- Added a mod window in-game that shows the scenario and difficulty you connected to via AP
- Added a YAML option that prevents randomized progression from being in Labs (now the default)
- Added YAML options to remove healing items and gunpowder from the pool for challenge runs
- Fixed a bug where the plug puzzle in Bottom Waterway didn't logically require Queen Plug
- Fixed a bug where the downed employee in Greenhouse didn't logically require Signal Modulator
- Added the 2 locations unlocked by Hiding Place film (they're not randomized)
It is no longer necessary to wait until you reach RPD to connect to AP. You can connect as early as the title screen.
Potential fixes for odd PrintJSON issues
Noticed this in a sync, so going to do a pre-release version to test a potential fix.
Shorter Ada section, location and item fixes, rocket mode item
This client release includes the following:
- Added an automatic warp that significantly shortens the Ada sequence in Sewers
- Fixed a bug where the Trophy was the B scenario one, not A scenario
- Fix for collecting blue herb in Greenhouse
- Senior Staff wristband is now in the chip's vanilla location to prevent a hardlock
- Supply Closet in East Hallway was renamed to make it easier to find
- Fix for red herb at Helicopter being in logic too early
- Added Single Use Rockets for rockets only mode to make it more interesting/challenging
Fix Electronic Parts for Parking Garage
This client release fixes a bug where the Clock Tower would give you the wrong Boxed Electronic Part, even though it said it was the right one.
Fixed Objectives GUI issues and Disappearing Chess Pieces in Chess Panels
This client release includes fixes for:
- A hardlock that resulted from the Objectives GUI being overflown with too many objectives when loading saves
- A softlock that resulted from chess pieces disappearing in chess panels when placed as part of the King/Queen puzzle
- Various other hardlocks that were resolved by making the items have their vanilla placements
- Changing Labs chips to wristbands so they can be used independently
As always, use the attached zip.