This is my navi cheatsheet collection.
Once you ran the install script below you should find a subfolder named FullByte__navi-cheatsheet
in your navi config-path. Run navi info config-path
to get your local navi path e.g. ~/.local/share/navi/cheats
. Navi should now be ready to use.
To use navi press control
or type navi
The following script will install and configure navi for bash and zsh add this repository and update the local cheatsheet on every boot:
Make sure to have the latest udpates as well as cargo, git and fzf installed, then install navi:
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt -y install cargo fzf git
cargo install --locked navi
Add Cargo to your PATH by updating your profile sudo nano ~/.profile
then add:
# Cargo
if [ -d "$HOME/.cargo/bin" ] ; then
Update the .bashrc sudo nano ~/.bashrc
with these entries
### NAVI ###
alias navi="~/.cargo/bin/navi"
eval "$(navi widget bash)"
Update the .zshrc sudo nano ~/.zshrc
with these entries
### NAVI ###
alias navi="~/.cargo/bin/navi"
eval "$(navi widget zsh)"
Install this cheatsheet and update the cheatsheet on each boot (using git).
git clone "" "$(navi info cheats-path)/FullByte__navi-cheatsheet"
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "@reboot sleep 22 && cd \"$(navi info cheats-path)/FullByte__navi-cheatsheet\" && git pull") | crontab -