Lye - a Sprockets inspired asset pipeline for Elixir / Phoenix
The package can be installed by adding lye
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:lye, git: ""}
This project is a massive WIP!
For now, you can execute the test suite with:
mix test
Load an asset from a load path
env = Lye.Environment.phoenix()
Lye.Environment.load(env, "app.js")
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
- Environment
- Asset
- Processor
- Loading of assets
- Caching of loaded assets
- Development mode
- Production mode
- Manifests
- Saving compiled assets to disk
- Plug / Phoenix integration
- Default Pipeline
- Basic Directive Processor
- require Directive
- require_tree Directive
- require_directory Directive
- require_self Directive
- link Directive
- depend_on Directive
- depend_on_asset Directive
- stub Directive
- node_module Directive
- Custom Directives
- Bundle Processor
- SCSS Processor
- Babel Processor
- CoffeeScript Processor
- Compressor
- Uglifier Processor
- Minifier Processor
- SourceMaps Processor