An empty CakePHP project for use with composer
PHP 5.4 and above.
composer -sdev create-project friendsofcake/app-template ProjectName
This will create a new project, with dependencies, based on this repository. Be sure to point
the webserver at the webroot
folder and ensure that URL rewriting
is configured correctly.
By default, the following has been enabled:
- Composer Autoloading
- Setting Timezone to UTC
- Setting database connection encoding to utf8
You may change any of these at your leisure.
This template is setup to configure the application via environment variables and data source names (DSN).
Defining configuration settings via environment variables allows clear separation between the code, and the config it is running. To remove any complexity, this repository includes josegonzalez/php-dotenv, which automatically configures the environment if it's not already defined.
A DSN is a string which defines how to connect to a service. Since it's a string, it's portable, not language or implementation dependent and anything capable of parsing it can know how to connect to the service it points at.
Using environment variables makes it very easy to separate install-specific config settings from the code itself; and possible to change the application config without modifying the source files. There is only one file containing install-specific settings in the template and that file is only used at all if the environment isn't already configured.
The intention is that in a production system the environment is configured not an application - and the application just reads that information.
In a development scenario, copy the file Config/.env.default
to Config/.env
and edit it.
In a production scenario - configure the environment however you wish (via webserver config for example) and remove the use of php-dotenv
In neither case is it necessary/desirable to modify any php files to configure the application temporarily or permanently.
If you don't want to use Env variables and DSNs - change it =).
- Use a standard
file - Use a standard
file - Define
to an integer not an env variable - Remove the php-dotenv loading logic
- It's also recommended to remove
) from the repository as they need to be modified on each install
This application template is compatible with the official Heroku PHP buildpack. To use, simply configure your buildpack:
heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=
heroku config:set LOG_PATH=/app/vendor/php/var/log/
To setup a production MySQL database setup a ClearDB MySQL add-on in Heroku.
heroku addons:create cleardb
By default its config variable will be set under the key CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL. For our app-template we want this configured at DATABASE_URL.
old_db_url=`heroku config:get CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL`
heroku config:set DATABASE_URL="$old_db_url"
heroku config:unset CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL
We recommend using Redis for caching on Heroku. If doing so, remember to add the following to the require
key in your composer.json
"ext-redis" : "*"
You can use the RedisCloud add-on in Heroku for a redis datastore:
heroku addons:create rediscloud
FriendsOfCake encourages the use of composer and it's best not to mix composer with git submodules for
dependency management. If you need to use submodules you might notice /vendor
and /Plugin
folders are
ignored by git. Composer creates those directories when installing vendors and plugins.
There a few ways to solve this:
- edit the
file - use the
param withgit add Plugin/SomePlugin -f
- use
for your submodules.
The application template comes with some dependencies already included in the composer file. These are designed to help you get up and running quickly.
To find out how to make the most of these packages, please read their respective readme files.