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File metadata and controls

74 lines (73 loc) · 28.5 KB
Attribute Assistant Method Description of Method What to use? Attribute Rule Type Additional info to create Attribute Rule
Angle Calculates the geographic or arithmetic angle of a line feature. -Angle -Immediate Calculation
-Batch Calculation
Autonumber Finds the largest value in a field and calculates the next sequential value. -FeatureSetByName
Immediate Calculation
Cascade Attributes Updates all occurrences of a value when the corresponding value in another table is changed. -FeatureSetByName
-Edit dictionary keyword
Immediate Calculation Add the attribute rule to table that will trigger the behavior. Use the filter to identify the features in the other table to update and use the edit dictionary keyword to edit the other table. Edit another feature class with a calculation rule
Copy Features Copies a feature when an attribute is updated to a specified value. -$originalfeature global variable Immediate Calculation *Caution this rule could easily be configured to be recursive.
Copy Linked Record Updates an attribute of a feature with a value from a related table. -FeatureSetByName
Immediate CalculationBatch Calculation Create rule on primary table. Use FeatureSetByName to create a FeatureSet of the related table. Then run a filter on the FeatureSet to find the value to update the primary table.
Create Linked Record Creates a new record in a feature layer with a relationship to a table using a primary/foreign key relationship.
Create Perpendicular Line Constructs a perpendicular line from the input point and an intersecting line. The line's length is specified by the Length parameter.
Create Perpendicular Line to Line Constructs a perpendicular line from the input point to the nearest line.
Current Username Populates the current user name. Not supported yet.
Edge Statistics Provides statistics on a specified field for all connected edges in a geometric network. -FeatureSetByAssociation
-Variety of Math functions
-Variety of Data functions
Geometric Network are not supported in ArcGISPro. This Attribute Rule is for Utility Network and querying statistics on associated features.
Expression Executes a VBScript evaluated by the MSScriptControl. Can be used to access built-in functions and conditional logic (if statements). Not supported yet. But with Arcade you can construct conditional logic within the Attribute Rule.
Feature Statistics Summarizes the attribute values of the affected feature as a series of statistics or a single calculated value. -$feature global variable
-Variety of Math functions
-Variety of Data functions
Field Copies the value from from one field to another within the same feature class. -$feature global variable Immediate CalculationBatch Calculation
Field Trigger Updates a field to a specified value when the value of another field is updated. -$feature global variable
-$originalfeature global variable
Immediate Calculation Identify if a specific attribute value has changed.
From Edge Field Copies a field value from a connected From Edge feature to a connected junction feature. Geometric Network are not supported in ArcGISPro. This Attribute Rule is for Utility Network and associated features.
From Edge Multiple Field Intersection Copies values for all From Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer. Geometric Network are not supported in ArcGISPro. This Attribute Rule is for Utility Network and associated features.
From Edge Statistics Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to From Edges in a geometric network. Geometric Network are not supported in ArcGISPro. This Attribute Rule is for Utility Network and associated features.
From Junction Field Copies a field value from a connected From Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the start of the currently edited line. Geometric Network are not supported in ArcGISPro. This Attribute Rule is for Utility Network and associated features.
Generate ID Increments a row in an unversioned table and stores that newly incremented value. -NextSequenceValue Immediate Calculation Generate ID by incrementing a sequence
Generate ID By Intersect Generates unique identifiers for features based on the identifiers of intersecting grid features. -NextSequenceValue
Immediate Calculation Generate ID by incrementing a sequence
Get Address From Centerline Extracts address information from the closest point on a road. It is similar to a reverse geocode, but a locator service is not used. Immediate Calculation Get Address From Centerline
Get Address Using ArcGIS Service Performs a reverse geocode using a specified ArcGIS service.
Get Address Using Geocoder Performs a reverse geocode using a geocoder.
GUID Creates a globally unique identifier (GUID). -Guid Immediate CalculationBatch Calculation
Intersecting Boolean Stores a value if the triggering feature intersects a feature in the specified layer.
Intersecting Count Calculates the number of intersecting features and stores the count in the specified field. -FeatureSetByName
Immediate CalculationBatch Calculation Instead of using the First function in the example below, use the Count function to count the number of intersecting features.Copy a Value from an intersecting feature
Intersecting Edge Copies a field value from the first intersecting edge feature. Not supported yet. You need to know what feature class to check (to create FeatureSetByName) for an intersection.
Intersecting Feature Copies a value from an intersecting feature in the specified layer. -FeatureSetByName
Immediate CalculationBatch Calculation Copy a Value from an intersecting feature
Intersecting Feature Distance Calculates the distance along a line feature where a line is intersected by another feature.
Intersecting Layer Details Extracts the name or file path of an intersecting layer. Not supported yet. You need to know what feature class to check (to create FeatureSetByName) for an intersection.
Intersecting Raster Extracts a raster cell value at a feature location. If the feature is a line or polygon, the raster value at the feature centroid is used. Not supported yet.
Intersecting Statistics Calculates statistics on a specified field for intersecting features. -FeatureSetByName
-Variety of Math functions
Immediate CalculationBatch Calculation Copy a Value from an intersecting feature
Junction Rotation Stores the rotation angle of a junction feature based on connected edge features. Rotate Feature by intersected line
Last Value Repeats the last value used in a field. Last Value Immediate Calculation
Latitude Stores the y-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees. -Geometry
-$feature global variable
Length Calculates the length of line features and the area of polygon features. -Length
-$feature global variable
Link Table Asset Updates a field in the table or layer with a value from a selected feature.
Longitude Stores the x-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees. -Geometry
-$feature global variable
Map Info Stores information from the current map document metadata or the version info of the layer being edited.
Minimum Length Rejects a newly created line feature if the length of the line is less than the specified distance. -Length
-$feature global variable
Constraint rule Use Arcade functions to calculate the length of the feature, if it is greater than a certain value return false to prevent the edit.
Multiple Field Intersecting Values Copies values from new intersecting features into a target layer.
Nearest Feature Copies a value from the nearest feature in a specified layer. -FeatureSetByName
No Arcade function for nearest feature. But could create logic modeled of this:Find the nearest features using Arcade expressions in a popup
Nearest Feature Attributes Copies a series of values from the nearest feature in a specified layer. -FeatureSetByName
No Arcade function. But could create logic modeled of this:Find the nearest features using Arcade expressions in a popup
Offset Populates the location of a point a specified distance from the nearest line feature. See Nearest Feature Attributes method.Use Geometry functions and Arcade logic to calculate the offset value desired.
Previous Value Monitors a field, and when it is changed, stores the previous value in another field. -$feature global variable
-$originalfeature global variable
Immediate Calculation Identify if a specific attribute value has changed. Create an attribute rule on the target field that will store the previous value. In the Arcade check is the attribute has changed, then return the $originalfeature value into the target field.
Prompt Identifies records containing null values. If the field uses a subtype or domain, those options are presented in the dialog box for the user to select. -DomainCode
Batch CalculationValidation Rule Can't ask for a prompt, but could designate a default domain/subtype value to replace the null value as a batch calculation rule. Alternatively, create a validation rule to identify nulls and create error feature to review at a later time.
Set Measures Populates the m-coordinates of line features. M-values can be used to add route events to point and line events dynamically along line features.
Side Determines if a point feature is to the left or right of a corresponding line feature.
Split Intersecting Feature Splits features that intersect with features in a source layer.
Timestamp Populates the current date and time. -Timestamp
Immediate CalculationBatch Calculation
To Edge Field Copies a field value from a connected To Edge feature to a connected junction feature.
To Edge Multiple Field Intersect Copies values for all To Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer.
To Edge Statistics Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to To Edges in a geometric network.
To Junction Field Copies a value from a connected To Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the end of the currently edited line.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Edge Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Edge feature.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Junction Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Junction feature.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event Intersecting Feature Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the intersecting features.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Edge Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Edge feature.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Junction Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Junction feature.
Update From Edge Field Copies a field value from a junction to a connected From Edge feature.
Update From Junction Field Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected From Junction feature.
Update Intersecting Feature Updates a field in an intersecting feature with a value or a field value from the modified or created feature. Update Intersecting Feature -Edit dictionary keyword
-$feature global variable
Update Linked Record Finds the related records in another table or layer and updates a field in those records. -FeatureSetByName
-Edit dictionary keyword
Immediate CalculationBatch Calculation See Copy Linked Record method. Create rule on primary table. Use FeatureSetByName to create a FeatureSet of the related table. Use filter to identify the features to update in the related table. Use edit dictionary keyword to update those features.
Update To Edge Field Copies a field value from a junction to a connected To Edge feature.
Update To Junction Field Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected To Junction feature.
Validate Attribute Lookup Verifies field values against entries in a lookup table.
Validate Attributes Compares values in the input fields to all feature templates for the feature class.
Validate Connectivity Validates the number of connections on a feature and rejects the edits if the criteria are not met.
Validate Domain Validates data entry on field with domains against the domain. If the value is outside the range or not in the coded value list, the edit is aborted. -DomainCode
Validation Rule Only for coded-value domains. If the feature value isn't part of the domain code of name, return false to create an error feature.
X Coordinate Calculates the x-coordinate of a feature in database units. -Geometry
-$feature global variable
Y Coordinate Calculates the y-coordinate of a feature in database units. -Geometry
-$feature global variable