This calculation attribute rule copies a value from an intersected feature to the edited feature.
To copy a life cycle, diameter, district, etc from a feature that created or edited feature intersects.
Using ArcGIS Pro, use the Add Attribute Rule geoprocessing tool to define this rule on a feature class and optionally on a subtype in that feature class. Use the following values when defining the rule, the other options are not required or depend on your situation.
- Rule Type: Calculation
- Triggering Events: Insert, Update
- Field Blank, do not set this
This Arcade expression will return the a value from an intersected feature. An example with using this rule is included in the Example
// This rule will populate the edited features field with a value from an intersecting feature
// Value to copy from the intersected feature
var intersecting_field = "ValueToCopy";
// Create feature set to the intersecting class using the GDB Name
var intersecting_featset = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'Line', [intersecting_field], true);
// Intersect the edited feature with the feature set and retrieve the first feature
var intersected_feature = First(Intersects(intersecting_featset, $feature));
// Check to make sure there was an intersected feature, if not, return the original value
if (IsEmpty(intersected_feature) || intersected_feature == null)
// If the intersected feature is null, return the original value
if (IsEmpty(intersected_feature.valueToCopy))
return {
//result is a dictionary
"result": {
"attributes": {
"ValueCopied": intersected_feature[intersecting_field]