VuePack is a modern Vue.js starter
which uses Vue 2, Vuex, Vue-router and Webpack 2.
If you have been suffering from configuration hell, give vbuild a chance. vbuild
is 100% compatible with this template.
- Vue 2 / Vue-router / Vuex
- Hot reloading for single-file components
- Split vendor code from your app
- Webpack 2
- ESLint
- Babel 6
- PostCSS
- JSX components are supported by default
- Electron support (optional)
- CSS modules (optional)
- A boilerplate which is small and focusing on client-side apps
For Vue 1 please head to vue-1 branch, however it's deprecated.
For Isomorphic rendering please head to vue-isomorphic-starter.
You'd better have node >=4
and npm >=3
$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init egoist/vuepack new-project
$ cd new-project
$ npm install
# edit files and start developing
$ npm run dev
# bundle all scripts and styles for production use
$ npm run build
# lint your code
$ npm run lint
Install git with unix tools
before getting started.
If you did not enable Eletron support, the dest folder is ./dist
, otherwise it's ./app/dist
folder only exists when you enabled Electron support.
├── app # the actual app you want to bundle with Electron
│ ├── dist # directory which contains all bundled files
│ └── index.js # entry file for Electron
├── build # webpack configs and other scripts
├── client # client-side app files
├── dist # bundled files and index.html
│ ├── index.html
│ └── [...other bundled files]
├── node_modules # dependencies
└── package.json # package info
You want to customize the output of index.html
, simply modify index.html, see more at html-webpack-plugin.