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Added support for ICS COLOR property (#188) #421

merged 4 commits into from
Jan 19, 2025
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Expand Up @@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ const val LOCATION = "LOCATION"
const val TZID = "TZID"
const val COLOR = "COLOR:"

// this tag isn't a standard ICS tag, but there's no official way of adding a category color in an ics file
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,4 +351,4 @@ fun getStatusStringFromEventStatus(statusCode: Int): String {
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions app/src/main/kotlin/org/fossify/calendar/helpers/CssColors.kt
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@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
package org.fossify.calendar.helpers

class CssColors {
private val nameToRgbMap: Map<String, Int> = mapOf(
"aliceblue" to 0xFFF0F8FF.toInt(),
"antiquewhite" to 0xFFFAEBD7.toInt(),
"aqua" to 0xFF00FFFF.toInt(),
"aquamarine" to 0xFF7FFFD4.toInt(),
"azure" to 0xFFF0FFFF.toInt(),
"beige" to 0xFFF5F5DC.toInt(),
"bisque" to 0xFFFFE4C4.toInt(),
"black" to 0xFF000000.toInt(),
"blanchedalmond" to 0xFFFFEBCD.toInt(),
"blue" to 0xFF0000FF.toInt(),
"blueviolet" to 0xFF8A2BE2.toInt(),
"brown" to 0xFFA52A2A.toInt(),
"burlywood" to 0xFFDEB887.toInt(),
"cadetblue" to 0xFF5F9EA0.toInt(),
"chartreuse" to 0xFF7FFF00.toInt(),
"chocolate" to 0xFFD2691E.toInt(),
"coral" to 0xFFFF7F50.toInt(),
"cornflowerblue" to 0xFF6495ED.toInt(),
"cornsilk" to 0xFFFFF8DC.toInt(),
"crimson" to 0xFFDC143C.toInt(),
"cyan" to 0xFF00FFFF.toInt(),
"darkblue" to 0xFF00008B.toInt(),
"darkcyan" to 0xFF008B8B.toInt(),
"darkgoldenrod" to 0xFFB8860B.toInt(),
"darkgray" to 0xFFA9A9A9.toInt(),
"darkgreen" to 0xFF006400.toInt(),
"darkgrey" to 0xFFA9A9A9.toInt(),
"darkkhaki" to 0xFFBDB76B.toInt(),
"darkmagenta" to 0xFF8B008B.toInt(),
"darkolivegreen" to 0xFF556B2F.toInt(),
"darkorange" to 0xFFFF8C00.toInt(),
"darkorchid" to 0xFF9932CC.toInt(),
"darkred" to 0xFF8B0000.toInt(),
"darksalmon" to 0xFFE9967A.toInt(),
"darkseagreen" to 0xFF8FBC8F.toInt(),
"darkslateblue" to 0xFF483D8B.toInt(),
"darkslategray" to 0xFF2F4F4F.toInt(),
"darkslategrey" to 0xFF2F4F4F.toInt(),
"darkturquoise" to 0xFF00CED1.toInt(),
"darkviolet" to 0xFF9400D3.toInt(),
"deeppink" to 0xFFFF1493.toInt(),
"deepskyblue" to 0xFF00BFFF.toInt(),
"dimgray" to 0xFF696969.toInt(),
"dimgrey" to 0xFF696969.toInt(),
"dodgerblue" to 0xFF1E90FF.toInt(),
"firebrick" to 0xFFB22222.toInt(),
"floralwhite" to 0xFFFFFAF0.toInt(),
"forestgreen" to 0xFF228B22.toInt(),
"fuchsia" to 0xFFFF00FF.toInt(),
"gainsboro" to 0xFFDCDCDC.toInt(),
"ghostwhite" to 0xFFF8F8FF.toInt(),
"gold" to 0xFFFFD700.toInt(),
"goldenrod" to 0xFFDAA520.toInt(),
"gray" to 0xFF808080.toInt(),
"green" to 0xFF008000.toInt(),
"greenyellow" to 0xFFADFF2F.toInt(),
"grey" to 0xFF808080.toInt(),
"honeydew" to 0xFFF0FFF0.toInt(),
"hotpink" to 0xFFFF69B4.toInt(),
"indianred" to 0xFFCD5C5C.toInt(),
"indigo" to 0xFF4B0082.toInt(),
"ivory" to 0xFFFFFFF0.toInt(),
"khaki" to 0xFFF0E68C.toInt(),
"lavender" to 0xFFE6E6FA.toInt(),
"lavenderblush" to 0xFFFFF0F5.toInt(),
"lawngreen" to 0xFF7CFC00.toInt(),
"lemonchiffon" to 0xFFFFFACD.toInt(),
"lightblue" to 0xFFADD8E6.toInt(),
"lightcoral" to 0xFFF08080.toInt(),
"lightcyan" to 0xFFE0FFFF.toInt(),
"lightgoldenrodyellow" to 0xFFFAFAD2.toInt(),
"lightgray" to 0xFFD3D3D3.toInt(),
"lightgreen" to 0xFF90EE90.toInt(),
"lightgrey" to 0xFFD3D3D3.toInt(),
"lightpink" to 0xFFFFB6C1.toInt(),
"lightsalmon" to 0xFFFFA07A.toInt(),
"lightseagreen" to 0xFF20B2AA.toInt(),
"lightskyblue" to 0xFF87CEFA.toInt(),
"lightslategray" to 0xFF778899.toInt(),
"lightslategrey" to 0xFF778899.toInt(),
"lightsteelblue" to 0xFFB0C4DE.toInt(),
"lightyellow" to 0xFFFFFFE0.toInt(),
"lime" to 0xFF00FF00.toInt(),
"limegreen" to 0xFF32CD32.toInt(),
"linen" to 0xFFFAF0E6.toInt(),
"magenta" to 0xFFFF00FF.toInt(),
"maroon" to 0xFF800000.toInt(),
"mediumaquamarine" to 0xFF66CDAA.toInt(),
"mediumblue" to 0xFF0000CD.toInt(),
"mediumorchid" to 0xFFBA55D3.toInt(),
"mediumpurple" to 0xFF9370DB.toInt(),
"mediumseagreen" to 0xFF3CB371.toInt(),
"mediumslateblue" to 0xFF7B68EE.toInt(),
"mediumspringgreen" to 0xFF00FA9A.toInt(),
"mediumturquoise" to 0xFF48D1CC.toInt(),
"mediumvioletred" to 0xFFC71585.toInt(),
"midnightblue" to 0xFF191970.toInt(),
"mintcream" to 0xFFF5FFFA.toInt(),
"mistyrose" to 0xFFFFE4E1.toInt(),
"moccasin" to 0xFFFFE4B5.toInt(),
"navajowhite" to 0xFFFFDEAD.toInt(),
"navy" to 0xFF000080.toInt(),
"oldlace" to 0xFFFDF5E6.toInt(),
"olive" to 0xFF808000.toInt(),
"olivedrab" to 0xFF6B8E23.toInt(),
"orange" to 0xFFFFA500.toInt(),
"orangered" to 0xFFFF4500.toInt(),
"orchid" to 0xFFDA70D6.toInt(),
"palegoldenrod" to 0xFFEEE8AA.toInt(),
"palegreen" to 0xFF98FB98.toInt(),
"paleturquoise" to 0xFFAFEEEE.toInt(),
"palevioletred" to 0xFFDB7093.toInt(),
"papayawhip" to 0xFFFFEFD5.toInt(),
"peachpuff" to 0xFFFFDAB9.toInt(),
"peru" to 0xFFCD853F.toInt(),
"pink" to 0xFFFFC0CB.toInt(),
"plum" to 0xFFDDA0DD.toInt(),
"powderblue" to 0xFFB0E0E6.toInt(),
"purple" to 0xFF800080.toInt(),
"rebeccapurple" to 0xFF663399.toInt(),
"red" to 0xFFFF0000.toInt(),
"rosybrown" to 0xFFBC8F8F.toInt(),
"royalblue" to 0xFF4169E1.toInt(),
"saddlebrown" to 0xFF8B4513.toInt(),
"salmon" to 0xFFFA8072.toInt(),
"sandybrown" to 0xFFF4A460.toInt(),
"seagreen" to 0xFF2E8B57.toInt(),
"seashell" to 0xFFFFF5EE.toInt(),
"sienna" to 0xFFA0522D.toInt(),
"silver" to 0xFFC0C0C0.toInt(),
"skyblue" to 0xFF87CEEB.toInt(),
"slateblue" to 0xFF6A5ACD.toInt(),
"slategray" to 0xFF708090.toInt(),
"slategrey" to 0xFF708090.toInt(),
"snow" to 0xFFFFFAFA.toInt(),
"springgreen" to 0xFF00FF7F.toInt(),
"steelblue" to 0xFF4682B4.toInt(),
"tan" to 0xFFD2B48C.toInt(),
"teal" to 0xFF008080.toInt(),
"thistle" to 0xFFD8BFD8.toInt(),
"tomato" to 0xFFFF6347.toInt(),
"turquoise" to 0xFF40E0D0.toInt(),
"violet" to 0xFFEE82EE.toInt(),
"wheat" to 0xFFF5DEB3.toInt(),
"white" to 0xFFFFFFFF.toInt(),
"whitesmoke" to 0xFFF5F5F5.toInt(),
"yellow" to 0xFFFFFF00.toInt(),
"yellowgreen" to 0xFF9ACD32.toInt()

fun cssNameToRgb(name: String): Int? {
return nameToRgbMap[name]

fun findClosestCssColor(color: Int): String? {
val alpha = (color shr 24) and 0xFF
val red = (color shr 16) and 0xFF
val green = (color shr 8) and 0xFF
val blue = color and 0xFF

return nameToRgbMap.minByOrNull { (_, value) ->
val currAlpha = (value shr 24) and 0xFF
val currRed = (value shr 16) and 0xFF
val currGreen = (value shr 8) and 0xFF
val currBlue = value and 0xFF
distance(alpha, red, green, blue, currAlpha, currRed, currGreen, currBlue)

private fun distance(a1: Int, r1: Int, g1: Int, b1: Int,
a2: Int, r2: Int, g2: Int, b2: Int): Int {
val powA = (a1 - a2) * (a1 - a2)
val powR = (r1 - r2) * (r1 - r2)
val powG = (g1 - g2) * (g1 - g2)
val powB = (b1 - b2) * (b1 - b2)
return powA + powR + powG + powB
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions app/src/main/kotlin/org/fossify/calendar/helpers/EventsHelper.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -411,10 +411,7 @@ class EventsHelper(val context: Context) {
.filterNot { it.repetitionExceptions.contains(Formatter.getDayCodeFromTS(it.startTS)) }
.toMutableList() as ArrayList<Event>

val eventTypeColors = LongSparseArray<Int>()
context.eventTypesDB.getEventTypes().forEach {
eventTypeColors.put(!!, it.color)
val eventTypeColors = getEventTypeColors()

events.forEach {
if (it.isTask()) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -649,4 +646,13 @@ class EventsHelper(val context: Context) {
events = events.distinctBy { } as ArrayList<Event>
return events

fun getEventTypeColors(): LongSparseArray<Int> {
val eventTypeColors = LongSparseArray<Int>()
context.eventTypesDB.getEventTypes().forEach {
eventTypeColors.put(!!, it.color)

return eventTypeColors
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions app/src/main/kotlin/org/fossify/calendar/helpers/IcsExporter.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import android.provider.CalendarContract.Events
import org.fossify.calendar.R
import org.fossify.calendar.extensions.calDAVHelper
import org.fossify.calendar.extensions.eventTypesDB
import org.fossify.calendar.extensions.eventsHelper
import org.fossify.calendar.helpers.IcsExporter.ExportResult.EXPORT_FAIL
import org.fossify.calendar.helpers.IcsExporter.ExportResult.EXPORT_OK
import org.fossify.calendar.helpers.IcsExporter.ExportResult.EXPORT_PARTIAL
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ class IcsExporter(private val context: Context) {
private val reminderLabel = context.getString(R.string.reminder)
private val exportTime = Formatter.getExportedTime(System.currentTimeMillis())
private val status = 1
private val cssColors = CssColors()

fun exportEvents(
outputStream: OutputStream?,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,11 +132,19 @@ class IcsExporter(private val context: Context) {

private fun writeEvent(writer: BufferedWriter, event: Event) {
val eventTypeColors = context.eventsHelper.getEventTypeColors()
with(writer) {
event.title.replace("\n", "\\n").let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) writeLn("$SUMMARY:$it") }
event.importId.let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) writeLn("$UID$it") }
if (event.color != 0 && event.color != eventTypeColors[event.eventType]) {
val color = cssColors.findClosestCssColor(event.color)
if (color != null) {
writeLn("$TRANSP${if (event.availability == Events.AVAILABILITY_FREE) TRANSPARENT else OPAQUE}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,11 +173,19 @@ class IcsExporter(private val context: Context) {

private fun writeTask(writer: BufferedWriter, task: Event) {
val eventTypeColors = context.eventsHelper.getEventTypeColors()
with(writer) {
task.title.replace("\n", "\\n").let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) writeLn("$SUMMARY:$it") }
task.importId.let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) writeLn("$UID$it") }
if (task.color != 0 && task.color != eventTypeColors[task.eventType]) {
val color = cssColors.findClosestCssColor(task.color)
if (color != null) {
task.location.let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) writeLn("$LOCATION:$it") }
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion app/src/main/kotlin/org/fossify/calendar/helpers/IcsImporter.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ class IcsImporter(val activity: SimpleActivity) {
private var isParsingTask = false
private var curReminderTriggerMinutes = REMINDER_OFF
private var curReminderTriggerAction = REMINDER_NOTIFICATION
private var curColor = 0
private val eventsHelper = activity.eventsHelper
private val cssColors = CssColors()

private var eventsImported = 0
private var eventsFailed = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,6 +168,17 @@ class IcsImporter(val activity: SimpleActivity) {
if (color.trimStart('-').areDigitsOnly()) {
curCategoryColor = Integer.parseInt(color)
} else if (line.startsWith(COLOR)) {
val colorName = line.substring(COLOR.length)
val color = cssColors.cssNameToRgb(colorName)
if (color != null) {
curColor = color
} else if (line.startsWith(FOSSIFY_COLOR)) {
val color = line.substring(FOSSIFY_COLOR.length)
if (color.trimStart('-').areDigitsOnly()) {
curColor = Integer.parseInt(color)
} else if (line.startsWith(MISSING_YEAR)) {
if (line.substring(MISSING_YEAR.length) == "1") {
curFlags = curFlags or FLAG_MISSING_YEAR
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,7 +297,8 @@ class IcsImporter(val activity: SimpleActivity) {
type = curType,
status = curStatus
status = curStatus,
color = curColor

if (isAllDay && curEnd > curStart && !event.isTask()) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,5 +480,6 @@ class IcsImporter(val activity: SimpleActivity) {
curReminderTriggerMinutes = REMINDER_OFF
curReminderTriggerAction = REMINDER_NOTIFICATION
curType = TYPE_EVENT
curColor = 0