IMPEx tools are a collection of scripts needed in the development phase of the project
simple tool for conversion of ASCII files into VOTable 1.2 files. currently only manual table headers are supported.
simple converter for data trees based on the IMPEx DM into EPNCore resources.
EPNCore resources can be either inserted in PostgreSQL or MySQL instances.
IMPEx DM MeasurementType to UCD conversion for EPNCore: activityIndex => meta.code;phys.magfield, current => phys.elecCurrent, dopplergram => spect.doppler.velocity, dust => phys.particle.dust, electricfield => phys.elecField, energeticparticles => phys.particle, ephemeris => pos.bodyrc, imageintensity => phot.flux;obs.image, instrumentstatus => instr.setup;meta.code.status, ioncomposition => phys.atmol.ionStage, irradiance => phot.flux, magneticfield => phys.magField, magnetogram => phys.magField;obs.image, neutralatomimages => phys.atmol;obs.image, neutralgas => phys.atmol, radiance => phot.flux.density, spectrum => spect, thermalplasma => phys.particle, wave =>, =>, wave.passive =>
IMPEx DM SimulationProdoct to EPNCore dataproduct_type conversion: 3dcubes => vo, 2dcuts => im, timeseries => ts, spatialseries => sv, lines => sv, spectra => ds or sp
- multiple trees per database are not supported at the moment
- instrument_name and instrument_host_name are mixed up in conversion