This repository provides sample contracts that use Finschia's cosmwasm. We'll be providing many sample contracts in the future, but for now the focus is on how to utilize dynamic link.
Dynamic link is a new feature introduced in Finschia's cosmwasm that allows you to call functions of other contract directly from your contract code. For a detailed explanation of dynamic link, see link.
This README explains how to use Finschia's cosmwasm and provides example code. This repository was created to provide a reference for contract developer to understand and utilize Finschia's cosmwasm, especially dynamic link feature.
Simple implementation of consignment system model using dynamic link
Implementation of NFT auction system using dynamic linkcw721-base-dynamiclink
cw721-base(nft) with callable points for dynamic link
$ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
--mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/contracts/{Contract}/target \
--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.12.9 ./contracts/{Contract}
This will compile all contracts in the ./contracts/{Contract} like ./contracts/auction directory and output the stripped and optimized wasm code under the artifacts directory as output, along with a checksums.txt file.
cosmwasm/rust-optimizer currently has versions of both optimizers for two processor architectures: Intel/Amd 64-bits, and Arm 64-bits (these run natively on Mac M1 machines). However, the native Arm version produces different wasm artifacts than the Intel version. Given that that impacts reproducibility, non-Intel images and build artifacts contain a "-arm64" suffix(rust-optimizer-arm64), to differentiate and flag them. Arm images are released to ease development and testing on Mac M1 machines. For release / production use, only contracts built with the Intel optimizers must be used.
quoted from
This repository is licensed under Apache 2.0
All specifications will always be Apache-2.0. All Sample contracts will also be Apache-2.0.