is a simpler approach to tagging with Django.
- some bugfixes
- added ability to have more tag fields for one model
- dropped support of Django < 1.3
This is unofficial fork of django-taggit, you have to install it from github:
$ pip install git+git://
Add "taggit"
to your
then just add a TaggableManager to your model and go::
from django.db import models
from taggit.managers import TaggableManager
class Food(models.Model):
# ... fields here
tags = TaggableManager()
Then you can use the API like so::
>>> apple = Food.objects.create(name="apple")
>>> apple.tags.add("red", "green", "delicious")
>>> apple.tags.all()
[<Tag: red>, <Tag: green>, <Tag: delicious>]
>>> apple.tags.remove("green")
>>> apple.tags.all()
[<Tag: red>, <Tag: delicious>]
>>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["red"])
[<Food: apple>, <Food: cherry>]
Tags will show up for you automatically in forms and the admin.
If you want to enforce lowercase tags everywhere (recommended, to avoid ending up with tags 'Music' and 'music' which are functionally identical but show up in different taxonomies), add to
If you want to prevent certain words from being added as tags (such as English articles to, from, the, of, etc.) add to
TAGGIT_STOPWORDS = [u'a', u'an', u'and', u'be', u'from', u'of']
This django-taggit
fork requires Django 1.3 or greater.
For more info about official django-taggit
you can checkout out the documentation
And for questions about usage or development you can contact the mailinglist