Welcome to Clightd 5.0!
Lots of effort was put in this release; let's dig into the details!
First of all, the long awaited...
- DPMS, GAMMA and SCREEN gained support for both tty and wayland!
Wayland support
For wayland support, specific wayland protocols need to be implemented by your compositor:
* For GAMMA, wlr-gamma-control-unstable-v1
is needed
* For SCREEN, wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1
is needed
* For DPMS, org_kde_kwin_dpms
is needed
As naming suggests, GAMMA and SCREEN protocols are provided by wlroots based compositor, while DPMS protocol is provided by kwin.
Moreover, both DPMS, GAMMA and SCREEN dbus API was updated to reflect multiple plugins support: they all now expose
multiple object paths, for each supported plugin; this means you will find, eg (for DPMS):- /org/clightd/clightd/Dpms/Xorg
- /org/clightd/clightd/Dpms/Wl
- /org/clightd/clightd/Dpms/Drm
Plus a common /org/clightd/clightd/Dpms that will use first available plugin.
For more information, head to {Dpms,Gamma,Screen} wiki pages.
Now move on with other new features!
- Added a Dpms.Changed signal
- It does now return a boolean in Set method, following gamma and backlight Set methods
- Added a Gamma.Changed signal
- Allow concurrent changes on different displays (ie: you can now change eg: ":0" and ":8" screen temperature at the same time independently)
- Supports mjpeg input format through libjpeg
- Restores previous camera settings at end of capture
- Avoids setting camera fmt during validation, as device validation should not change device status
Yoctolight is a small usb Ambient Light Sensor device; you can find more informations: http://www.yoctopuce.com/EN/products/usb-environmental-sensors/yocto-light-v3.
I am in no way affiliated to this project; i just bought one a year ago to experiment with it and then added support for it.
- Yoctolight support is now enabled and built by default in eg: archlinux aur package
- Lots of fixes
- Avoids infinite loops
- To enable easier packaging support, clightd moved to LIBEXECDIR intead of LIBDIR (thanks ferki for the PR!)
As always, wiki doc was updated to reflect all the changes.
I hope you will find this new release super useful!
As always, thank to everyone involved, be it opening issues or sending PRs!
Merry xmas everyone! And hopefully a happy new year!