Processing short answer surveys can be difficult. This tools attempts to use the ELK stack to conduct the survey analysis.
-docker ( -docker-compose (
Specifically setup to process "Interviews-for-data-science" dataset
docker-compose.convert_rtf.yaml up
docker-compose.docker.parse_interviews.yaml up
To speed up development we're using a community of the elk stack located here: This has been added submodule to the pivot repository. To you must have a github account to use this repo.
cd ELKSurveyAnalysis
git submodule init
git submodule update
taken from:
edit: ELKSurveyAnalysis/docker-elk/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yaml
# update to basic
xpack.license.self_generated.type: basic
sudo docker volume rm docker-compose_elasticsearch
# this will fail if a container relies on it
sudo docker rm <container hash>
sudo docker volume rm docker-compose_elasticsearch
start the containers:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.elastic.yaml up