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Releases: FamousArchives/famous-doc-generator


04 Sep 00:39
Choose a tag to compare

Command line option added: --template=[PATH] Use to use a completely custom template for each file
Method name improvements in base template.

Command Line Support

26 Aug 18:29
Choose a tag to compare

famous-doc-generator on the command line now supports:

--base=[path] The directory to start searching from
--out=[path] The directory where the compiled templates will write to.
--ignore=[paths OPTIONAL] Add a directory nested underneath the base directory to ignore.
--outData=[path OPTIONAL] Path where the json data will be saved. Useful to debug templates
--pathPrefix=[path OPTIONAL] All asset pathing will get this prefix.
--headerTemplate=[path OPTIONAL] Header partial to include.
--footerTemplate=[path OPTIONAL] Footer partial to include.