I'm a French West Indies and i Code with Sun 🌞 and Style ✨ (FWICSS)
lion eagle 🦁🦅 Born on August 3rd, 2000, I am 24 years old and proud to be a Leo! I love sharing my passion for technology and video games.
🎓 I'm student at the University of the French West Indies a. I'm currently studying for a Master's degree in Computer Science.
🌐 I'm very tech-savvy and deeply interested in the digital world. I enjoy video games, sports, and have an insatiable thirst for learning and gaining new knowledge.
💻 As a full-stack developer, I create software, online CRMs, mobile applications, and much more. My goal is to enhance my clients' digital visibility and provide them with innovative solutions.
🚀 I particularly enjoy web and mobile development, and I'm always seeking ways to improve my skills and create well-crafted, meticulous solutions.
Feel free to explore my projects and reach out to me if you have any questions or want to discuss exciting collaborations!
I am 24 years old... But I will be 25 in 147 days 🎉 Here is my homemade daytime ☀️ counter before next year ⏱ 298 day before 2026 ⏱
Feel free to explore my projects below to see how I've applied these skills in real-world projects!
These statistics reflect my GitHub activity. Feel free to explore my projects below to learn more about my work!
# Added the `thu 7 Oct 2023` # Last update on Sun Mar 09 2025 🤖 This README.md is updated with undefined, by Dimbot 🦁️