This work aims to implement additional features to the recent paper ”Rethinking Visual Geo-localization for Large-Scale Applications” of CVPR(2022).
You can check the full report here.
First of all, you should know that you can access to two Jupyter notebooks:
- The first notebook contains all the logs and tests we performed; it is accessible here.
- The second notebook contains the initial scripts you should run if you want to perform your own tests; it is accessible here.
The second notebook is ready-to-use and, by default, it downloads all datasets and models we used for our tests.
If you want to perform aimed tests with specific dataset, here is presented a table where, for each downloadable element, it is provided a brief description.
Element | Description |
sf_xs | Dataset with San Francisco images |
tokyo_night | Dataset with Tokyo images. It contains only night images |
tokyo_xs | Dataset with Tokyo images |
night_target | Dataset to perform data adaptation on night domain |
logs | It contains 4 saved models: (Cosface, Sphereface, Arcface, GRL), all trained with ResNet18 as backbone |
geowarp_model | It is a model that has been trained with ResNet18 as backbone and implements GeoWarp |
eff2vs | It is a model that has been trained with EfficientNetV2s as backbone |
eff2vs_geowarp | It is a model that has been trained with EfficientNetV2s as backbone and that implements GeoWarp |
eff2vs_grl | It is a model that has been trained with EfficientNetV2s as backbone and that combines GeoWarp and GRL |
After you run all the scripts provided in the second notebook, you can use the following commands to run your experiments. Of course, they are just an overview, if you want to see some more example you can access to the first notebook and see.
!python --dataset_folder /content/small --groups_num 1 --epochs_num 3 --loss_function=[select one among cosface, sphereface, arcface]
!python --dataset_folder /content/tokyo_xs/ --resume_model /content/logs/content/logs/default/[select one among trained_with_cosface, trained_with_sphereface, trained_with_arcface]/best_model.pth
!python --dataset_folder /content/small --groups_num 1 --backbone efficientnet_v2_s --grl_param 0.3 --source_dir /content/small --target_dir /content/night_target
!python --dataset_folder /content/tokyo-night/ --resume_model /content/logs/content/logs/default/cosplace_with_grl/best_model.pth --grl_param 0.3
!python --dataset_folder /content/tokyo-night/ --resume_model /content/logs/content/logs/default/cosplace_with_grl/best_model.pth --grl_param 0.3 --night_test True --night_brightness 0.2
!python /content/ --dataset_folder /content/small --groups_num 1 --epochs_num 3
!python /content/ --dataset_folder /content/small/ --resume_model /content/geowarp_model/best_model.pth
!python /content/ --dataset_folder /content/tokyo-night --multi_scale --multi_scale_method=avg --select_resolution 0.526 0.588 1 1.7 1.9 --resume_model /content/logs/content/logs/default/cosplace_with_grl/best_model.pth --grl_param 0.3
!python --dataset_folder /content/small/ --backbone efficientnet_v2_s --grl_param 0.3 --grl_model_path /content/eff2vs_grl/eff2vs_grl.pth --geowarp_model_path /content/eff2vs_geowarp/best_model.pth
Alessio Carachino:
Francesco Di Gangi: