Releases: EyeTribe/tet-csharp-client
- Fixed default network state
- Merged request/response value classes
- Improved initialization process
- Added support for listening to any calibration state change (ICalibrationStateListener)
- Runtime 'debug mode' now controlled through GazeManager.DebugMode
- Default states for all GazeManager enum types
- Unittests now using NUnit
- Updated Json.NET to 9.0.1
- Fix listener bug
- Extensive rewrite of core classes
- New support for .Net 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5 frameworks
- Added support for methods of async nature in GazeManager
- Added support for debug mode via GazeManagerCore.IS_DEBUG_MODE
- Point2D & Point3D are now 'struct' types
- Moving all data types from 64-bit to 32-bit floating point precision
- Added calibration evaluation class CalibUtils
- Added support for listening to active screen index changes (IScreenStateListener)
- Adapting to EyeTribe API changes, deprecating obsolete GazeManager method calls
- Added Unit Tests
- Updated Json.NET to 8.0.3
Release v.0.9.56
Added GetHashCode() implementation for all public data types
Refactored internal Collection types, fixing several race condition bugs
Improved ThreadPool implementation
Fixing bugs associated to CalibrationPoint resampling
Fixing network initialization bugs
Clearing Listener types now requires explicit call to GazeManager.deactivate()
Minor syntax changes
Release v.0.9.49
Ensured callback order of listener types during activation
Ensured thread safety in singletons
Refactored internal blocking queues
More consistent console output on errors
Unified constructors and operators for all data types
Added utility methods to GazeData class
Updated Json.NET to 6.0.6
Release v.0.9.35
Release v.0.9.35
Release v.0.9.34
Updated project setting to MS Visual Studio 2013
Improved multithreading and stability in network layer
Fixed bug related to initialization lock
Fixed bug related to multi-screen setups
Fixed bug related to broadcasting calibration updates
Release v.0.9.33
Thread safe GazeManager activation/deactivation. Added support for listening to EyeTribe Server conneciton state (IConnectionStateListener). Minor API timestamp change. Updated Json.NET to 6.0.2. Minor refactoring Generel bug fixing and optimization