12649 commits
to staging
since this release
What's Changed
- fix: Not here page when create new request by @nkdengineer in #50847
- change report action button bg color if there's held expenses by @NJ-2020 in #53117
- Correctly filter report transactions by @luacmartins in #53613
- Subscribe to Pusher only when it's initialized by @jnowakow in #53751
- Update es.ts by @jamesdeanexpensify in #53721
- Fix - Split distance-Distance amount reverts to original amount when saving distance without editing by @FitseTLT in #53628
- fix: mWeb - Selector - User lands on the same WS when double tapping on different one on selector. by @Krishna2323 in #52438
- Refactor buildOnyxDataForMoneyRequest function by @mkzie2 in #53620
- Fix remove member message in group chat is not translated in LHN by @mkzie2 in #53732
- Hide search skeleton empty view scrollbar by @bernhardoj in #53730
- Update Configure-travel-policy-and-preferences.md by @bfitzexpensify in #53774
- Fix pressing back button doesn't close the validate code modal when keyboard is shown by @bernhardoj in #53435
- Update param to delegateEmail by @dangrous in #51811
- Revert "feat: Provide education/confirmation before creating workspaces in New Workspace flows" by @luacmartins in #53786
- Revert "add go to workspace shortcut to report details page" by @luacmartins in #53787
- Revert "fix: ProfileAvatar (modal) page has no slide in animation" by @ishpaul777 in #53784
- fix: No GBR shown in LHN after cancelled payment by @nkdengineer in #53428
- [No QA] Update HybridApp NSE versions during deploy by @arosiclair in #53592
- Add Task Title Validation on Main Composer Text Change by @wildan-m in #52941
- fix: clicking submit button makes flicking on a workspace with delay … by @jacobkim9881 in #53541
- fix: Accounting - Unnecessary tooltip showing the same icon on export page. by @Krishna2323 in #52436
- fix: 53177 Missing validate code sent when adding copilot by @layacat in #53419
- Fix emoji shown differently on composer and sent message by @bernhardoj in #53676
- fix: the 'connect to Xero' experience in two ways (modal style & translation copy update). by @Krishna2323 in #53614
- fix: Import Onyx state on iOS by @TMisiukiewicz in #53370
- Update Configure-travel-policy-and-preferences.md by @bfitzexpensify in #53776
- refactor: mask emails with random strings instead of *** by @TMisiukiewicz in #53527
- [No QA] Allow to build adhoc hybrid app from any OD commit by @jnowakow in #53809
- Incorrect default feed name in feed selector on the member details page by @VickyStash in #53705
- Validate code before signing in by @huult in #53756
- fix enable user checkbox on workspace members page by @nkdengineer in #52173
- Fix WS chat shows default avatar when uploading the avatar while offline by @bernhardoj in #53618
- [No QA] chore: remove reportActionID from report type by @TMisiukiewicz in #53817
- Fix can't press pay button if edit composer is focused by @bernhardoj in #53680
- Fix Split expense with deleted workspace by @narefyev91 in #53701
- Fixing search query line height by @abzokhattab in #53837
- Fix - Web - RHP - Going back closes the RHP Instead of navigating to the confirm page by @FitseTLT in #53629
- Fix temporary thread message disappear by @mkzie2 in #53733
- Fix: Two emoji skin tones are displayed after changing tone in browser by @nyomanjyotisa in #53744
- Stash session and credentials during copilot access by @dangrous in #52980
- [CP Staging] Add shouldCallDirectly for closeModal logic by @huult in #53873
- Fix unverified contact method is displayed by @mkzie2 in #53864
- fix: invoice room avatar flickers when deleting workspace by @daledah in #52093
- Fix Search page header not refreshing query by @Kicu in #53859
Full Changelog: 9.0.73-8...9.0.74-8