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feat: implement dynamic resizing array buffers #54656

99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions src/libs/DynamicArrayBuffer.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
type TypedArray = Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array;

type TypedArrayConstructor<T extends TypedArray> = {
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer): T;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset: number, length: number): T;

* A TypedArray that can grow dynamically (similar to c++ std::vector).
* You still need to provide an initial size. If the array grows beyond the initial size, it will be resized to double the size.
class DynamicArrayBuffer<T extends TypedArray> {
private buffer: ArrayBuffer;

public array: T;

private size: number;

private readonly TypedArrayConstructor: TypedArrayConstructor<T>;

constructor(initialCapacity: number, TypedArrayConstructor: TypedArrayConstructor<T>) {
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(initialCapacity * this.getBytesPerElement(TypedArrayConstructor));
this.array = new TypedArrayConstructor(this.buffer);
this.size = 0;
this.TypedArrayConstructor = TypedArrayConstructor;

private getBytesPerElement(constructor: TypedArrayConstructor<T>): number {
return constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;

get capacity(): number {
return this.array.length;

get length(): number {
return this.size;

push(value: number): void {
const capacity = this.array.length; // avoid function calls for performance
if (this.size === capacity) {
this.resize(capacity * 2);
this.array[this.size++] = value;

private resize(newCapacity: number): void {
if (typeof this.buffer.transfer === 'function') {
this.buffer = this.buffer.transfer(newCapacity * this.getBytesPerElement(this.TypedArrayConstructor));
this.array = new this.TypedArrayConstructor(this.buffer);
} else {
const newBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(newCapacity * this.getBytesPerElement(this.TypedArrayConstructor));
const newArray = new this.TypedArrayConstructor(newBuffer);
this.buffer = newBuffer;
this.array = newArray;

set(index: number, value: number): void {
if (index < 0) {
throw new Error('Index out of bounds');

// If the index is beyond our current capacity, resize
const capacity = this.array.length; // avoid function calls for performance
while (index >= capacity) {
this.resize(capacity * 2);

this.size = Math.max(this.size, index + 1);
this.array[index] = value;

truncate(end = this.size): DynamicArrayBuffer<T> {
const length = end;
this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(0, length * this.getBytesPerElement(this.TypedArrayConstructor));
this.array = new this.TypedArrayConstructor(this.buffer);

this.size = length;
return this;

[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<number> {
let index = 0;
return {
next: (): IteratorResult<number> => {
if (index < this.size) {
return {value: this.array[index++], done: false};
return {value: undefined, done: true};

export default DynamicArrayBuffer;
45 changes: 26 additions & 19 deletions src/libs/FastSearch.ts
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* eslint-disable rulesdir/prefer-at */
import CONST from '@src/CONST';
import Timing from './actions/Timing';
import DynamicArrayBuffer from './DynamicArrayBuffer';
import SuffixUkkonenTree from './SuffixUkkonenTree';

type SearchableData<T> = {
Expand All @@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ type SearchableData<T> = {

// There are certain characters appear very often in our search data (email addresses), which we don't need to search for.
const charSetToSkip = new Set(['@', '.', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*', '+', '-', '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '_', '~', '!', ' ', ',', '(', ')']);
// For an account with 12k+ personal details the average search value length was ~60 characters.
const averageSearchValueLength = 60;

* Creates a new "FastSearch" instance. "FastSearch" uses a suffix tree to search for substrings in a list of strings.
Expand All @@ -35,27 +38,30 @@ const charSetToSkip = new Set(['@', '.', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*', '+', '-', '/',
function createFastSearch<T>(dataSets: Array<SearchableData<T>>) {
const maxNumericListSize = 400_000;
const itemsCount = dataSets.reduce((acc, {data}) => acc + data.length, 0);
// An approximation of how many chars the final search string will have (if it gets bigger the underlying buffer will resize aromatically, but its best to avoid resizes):
const initialListSize = itemsCount * averageSearchValueLength;
// The user might provide multiple data sets, but internally, the search values will be stored in this one list:
let concatenatedNumericList = new Uint8Array(maxNumericListSize);
const concatenatedNumericList = new DynamicArrayBuffer(initialListSize, Uint8Array);
// Here we store the index of the data item in the original data list, so we can map the found occurrences back to the original data:
const occurrenceToIndex = new Uint32Array(maxNumericListSize * 4);
// As we are working with ArrayBuffers, we need to keep track of the current offset:
const offset = {value: 1};
const occurrenceToIndex = new DynamicArrayBuffer(initialListSize, Uint32Array);
// We store the last offset for a dataSet, so we can map the found occurrences to the correct dataSet:
const listOffsets: number[] = [];

// The tree is 1-indexed, so we need to add a 0 at the beginning:

for (const {data, toSearchableString} of dataSets) {
// Performance critical: the array parameters are passed by reference, so we don't have to create new arrays every time:
dataToNumericRepresentation(concatenatedNumericList, occurrenceToIndex, offset, {data, toSearchableString});
dataToNumericRepresentation(concatenatedNumericList, occurrenceToIndex, {data, toSearchableString});
concatenatedNumericList[offset.value++] = SuffixUkkonenTree.END_CHAR_CODE;
listOffsets[listOffsets.length - 1] = offset.value;
listOffsets[listOffsets.length - 1] = concatenatedNumericList.length;

// The list might be larger than necessary, so we clamp it to the actual size:
concatenatedNumericList = concatenatedNumericList.slice(0, offset.value);

// Create & build the suffix tree:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +90,7 @@ function createFastSearch<T>(dataSets: Array<SearchableData<T>>) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
const occurrenceIndex = result[i];
const itemIndexInDataSet = occurrenceToIndex[occurrenceIndex];
const itemIndexInDataSet = occurrenceToIndex.array[occurrenceIndex];
const dataSetIndex = listOffsets.findIndex((listOffset) => occurrenceIndex < listOffset);

if (dataSetIndex === -1) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +134,11 @@ function createFastSearch<T>(dataSets: Array<SearchableData<T>>) {
* This function converts the user data (which are most likely objects) to a numeric representation.
* Additionally a list of the original data and their index position in the numeric list is created, which is used to map the found occurrences back to the original data.
function dataToNumericRepresentation<T>(concatenatedNumericList: Uint8Array, occurrenceToIndex: Uint32Array, offset: {value: number}, {data, toSearchableString}: SearchableData<T>): void {
function dataToNumericRepresentation<T>(
concatenatedNumericList: DynamicArrayBuffer<Uint8Array>,
occurrenceToIndex: DynamicArrayBuffer<Uint32Array>,
{data, toSearchableString}: SearchableData<T>,
): void {
data.forEach((option, index) => {
const searchStringForTree = toSearchableString(option);
const cleanedSearchStringForTree = cleanString(searchStringForTree);
Expand All @@ -140,16 +150,13 @@ function dataToNumericRepresentation<T>(concatenatedNumericList: Uint8Array, occ
SuffixUkkonenTree.stringToNumeric(cleanedSearchStringForTree, {
out: {
outArray: concatenatedNumericList,
outOccurrenceToIndex: occurrenceToIndex,
array: concatenatedNumericList,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
occurrenceToIndex[offset.value] = index;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
concatenatedNumericList[offset.value++] = SuffixUkkonenTree.DELIMITER_CHAR_CODE;
occurrenceToIndex.set(concatenatedNumericList.length, index);

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15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/libs/SuffixUkkonenTree/index.ts
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// .at() has a performance overhead we explicitly want to avoid here

/* eslint-disable no-continue */
import type DynamicArrayBuffer from '@libs/DynamicArrayBuffer';

* The tree will be built using the Ukkonen's algorithm:
function makeTree(numericSearchValues: Uint8Array) {
function makeTree(numericSearchValues: DynamicArrayBuffer<Uint8Array>) {
// Every leaf represents a suffix. There can't be more than n suffixes.
// Every internal node has to have at least 2 children. So the total size of ukkonen tree is not bigger than 2n - 1.
// + 1 is because an extra character at the beginning to offset the 1-based indexing.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ function makeTree(numericSearchValues: Uint8Array) {
currentNode = transitionNodes[currentNode * ALPHABET_SIZE + char];
currentPosition = rangeStart[currentNode];
if (currentPosition === 0 || char === numericSearchValues[currentPosition]) {
if (currentPosition === 0 || char === numericSearchValues.array[currentPosition]) {
} else {
Expand All @@ -109,14 +110,14 @@ function makeTree(numericSearchValues: Uint8Array) {
rangeEnd[nodeCounter] = currentPosition - 1;
parent[nodeCounter] = parent[currentNode];

transitionNodes[nodeCounter * ALPHABET_SIZE + numericSearchValues[currentPosition]] = currentNode;
transitionNodes[nodeCounter * ALPHABET_SIZE + numericSearchValues.array[currentPosition]] = currentNode;
transitionNodes[nodeCounter * ALPHABET_SIZE + c] = nodeCounter + 1;
rangeStart[nodeCounter + 1] = currentIndex;
parent[nodeCounter + 1] = nodeCounter;
rangeStart[currentNode] = currentPosition;
parent[currentNode] = nodeCounter;

transitionNodes[parent[nodeCounter] * ALPHABET_SIZE + numericSearchValues[rangeStart[nodeCounter]]] = nodeCounter;
transitionNodes[parent[nodeCounter] * ALPHABET_SIZE + numericSearchValues.array[rangeStart[nodeCounter]]] = nodeCounter;
nodeCounter += 2;
Expand All @@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ function makeTree(numericSearchValues: Uint8Array) {
currentNode = suffixLink[parent[latestNodeIndex - 2]];
currentPosition = rangeStart[latestNodeIndex - 2];
while (currentPosition <= rangeEnd[latestNodeIndex - 2]) {
currentNode = transitionNodes[currentNode * ALPHABET_SIZE + numericSearchValues[currentPosition]];
currentNode = transitionNodes[currentNode * ALPHABET_SIZE + numericSearchValues.array[currentPosition]];
currentPosition += rangeEnd[currentNode] - rangeStart[currentNode] + 1;
if (currentPosition === rangeEnd[latestNodeIndex - 2] + 1) {
Expand All @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ function makeTree(numericSearchValues: Uint8Array) {
function build() {
for (currentIndex = 1; currentIndex < numericSearchValues.length; ++currentIndex) {
const c = numericSearchValues[currentIndex];
const c = numericSearchValues.array[currentIndex];
Expand All @@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ function makeTree(numericSearchValues: Uint8Array) {
const rangeLen = node === 1 ? 0 : rightRange - leftRange + 1;

for (let i = 0; i < rangeLen && depth + i < searchValue.length && leftRange + i < numericSearchValues.length; i++) {
if (searchValue[depth + i] !== numericSearchValues[leftRange + i]) {
if (searchValue[depth + i] !== numericSearchValues.array[leftRange + i]) {
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40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions src/libs/SuffixUkkonenTree/utils.ts
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@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
/* eslint-disable rulesdir/prefer-at */ // .at() has a performance overhead we explicitly want to avoid here
/* eslint-disable rulesdir/prefer-at */
// .at() has a performance overhead we explicitly want to avoid here

/* eslint-disable no-continue */
import DynamicArrayBuffer from '@libs/DynamicArrayBuffer';

const CHAR_CODE_A = 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
const ALPHABET = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,58 +60,55 @@ function stringToNumeric(
charSetToSkip?: Set<string>;
// When out is provided, the function will write the result to the provided arrays instead of creating new ones (performance)
out?: {
outArray: Uint8Array;
// As outArray is a ArrayBuffer we need to keep track of the current offset
offset: {value: number};
array: DynamicArrayBuffer<Uint8Array>;
// A map of <PositionInOutArray, IndexInOriginalData> to map the found occurrences to the correct data set
// As the search string can be very long for high traffic accounts (500k+), this has to be big enough, thus its a Uint32Array
outOccurrenceToIndex?: Uint32Array;
occurrenceToIndex?: DynamicArrayBuffer<Uint32Array>;
// The index that will be used in the outOccurrenceToIndex array (this is the index of your original data position)
index?: number;
// By default false. By default the outArray may be larger than necessary. If clamp is set to true the outArray will be clamped to the actual size.
clamp?: boolean;
): {
numeric: Uint8Array;
occurrenceToIndex: Uint32Array;
offset: {value: number};
numeric: DynamicArrayBuffer<Uint8Array>;
occurrenceToIndex: DynamicArrayBuffer<Uint32Array>;
} {
// The out array might be longer than our input string length, because we encode special characters as multiple numbers using the base26 encoding.
// * 6 is because the upper limit of encoding any char in UTF-8 to base26 is at max 6 numbers.
const outArray = options?.out?.outArray ?? new Uint8Array(input.length * 6);
const offset = options?.out?.offset ?? {value: 0};
const occurrenceToIndex = options?.out?.outOccurrenceToIndex ?? new Uint32Array(input.length * 16 * 4);
const outArray = options?.out?.array ?? new DynamicArrayBuffer(input.length * 6, Uint8Array);
const occurrenceToIndex = options?.out?.occurrenceToIndex ?? new DynamicArrayBuffer(input.length * 16 * 4, Uint32Array);
const index = options?.out?.index ?? 0;

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of -- for-i is slightly faster
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
const char = input[i];

if (options?.charSetToSkip?.has(char)) {

const charCode = char.charCodeAt(0);

if (char >= 'a' && char <= 'z') {
// char is an alphabet character
occurrenceToIndex[offset.value] = index;
outArray[offset.value++] = char.charCodeAt(0) - CHAR_CODE_A;
outArray.push(charCode - CHAR_CODE_A);
} else {
const charCode = input.charCodeAt(i);
occurrenceToIndex[offset.value] = index;
outArray[offset.value++] = SPECIAL_CHAR_CODE;
const asBase26Numeric = convertToBase26(charCode);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
for (let j = 0; j < asBase26Numeric.length; j++) {
occurrenceToIndex[offset.value] = index;
outArray[offset.value++] = asBase26Numeric[j];

return {
numeric: options?.clamp ? outArray.slice(0, offset.value) : outArray,
numeric: options?.clamp ? outArray.truncate() : outArray,

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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/types/global.d.ts
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Expand Up @@ -39,3 +39,10 @@ interface NodeRequire {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-function-type, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
<T = any>(id: string): T;

// Define ArrayBuffer.transfer as its a relatively new API and not yet present in all environments
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
interface ArrayBuffer {
// Might be defined in browsers, in RN hermes it's not implemented yet
transfer?: (length: number) => ArrayBuffer;