- submission PR
- ci/cd (GitHub Actions)
- MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/notesy
- input.js
- notes.js
- minimist
- mongoose
- supergoose
node index.js --add 'your note' --category 'categoru name'
node index.js -a 'your note' -c 'category name'
node index.js --list 'category name'
node index.js -l 'category name'
node index.js --delete 'id note'
node index.js -d 'id note'
node index.js -update 'Id note' --new 'new text'
node index.js 'Id note' -n 'new text'
OR./index.js --add 'your note' --category 'categoru name'
./index.js -a 'your note' -c 'category name'
./index.js --list 'category name'
./index.js -l 'category name'
./index.js --delete 'id note'
./index.js -d 'id note'
./index.js --update 'Id note' --newnote 'new text'
./index.js -u 'Id note' -n 'new text'
- Lint Tests:
npm run lint
- How do you run tests?
- Jest test:
npm test
- to run the test for two files- Jest test:
npm test input.test.js
- Jest test:
npm test notes.test.js
- Jest test:
npm test notes-collection.test.js
- console.log