###Version 1.0
#####Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Morris
This software is released under MIT Open Source License
is a collection of macros or scripts for GIMP.
###Script-Fu / export_iOS_icons_of_image.scm###
This Script-Fu script automatically generates all the required app icons with the proper names and resolutions for the various iOS devices from a single source image.
For each app icon: the source image* is duplicated, then the duplicated image is scaled, then the scaled duplicate image is exported to a .png file, and finally the scaled duplicate image is deleted. The resulting .png files have the proper names and resolutions for iOS app icons for iPad and iPhone/iPod touch for both normal and retina displays.
*The recommended resolution of the source image is 1024 x 1024
This script contains two functions.
Function Name:
Menu:File --> Export iOS Icon of Image --> Icons for Device(s) ...
Exports multiple iOS app icons to a user specified directory for a user specified iOS device. The following are the possible iOS app icon filenames (and resolutions):
iTunesArtwork@2x (1024 x 1024)
iTunesArtwork (512 x 512)
Icon-72@2x.png (144 x 144)
Icon@2x.png (114 x 114)
Icon-72.png (72 x 72)
Icon.png (57 x 57)
Icon-Small-50@2x.png (100 x 100)
Icon-Small-50.png (50 x 50)
Icon-Small@2x.png (58 x 58)
Icon-Small.png (29 x 29)
Function Name:
Menu:File --> Export iOS Icon of Image --> Single Icon ...
Exports a single iOS app icon to a user specified directory with a user specified filename and a user specified width in pixels.
- Copy the scripts from the
directory to the GIMP scripts directory. - Start GIMP
Filters --> Script-Fu --> Refresh Script