Runs a Free SRB2Kart Server within Heroku.
- Compatible with Addons (Place Addons in the base folder, load them in
- Due to Heroku limitations, this Server cannot be advertised on the Master Server
- Due to SRB2Kart limitations, Dynu DNS (SRV DNS Records) is not supported
First, clone this Repo
git clone
Next, create a Heroku app, and then link your Repo to use Heroku as your Remote using the CLI
heroku git:remote -a <Your-App-Name>
You can now Freely Edit the Server Config/Add Addons etc.
Create a New Free LocalToNet Account and copy your Auth Token
Config Variable to your Auth Token
heroku config:set LOCALTONET_API_TOKEN="Your-Auth-Token"
Navigate to the TCP/UDP Page and Create a Tunnel with the Following Information set. All other Fields can be Left as Default
Protocol Type = UDP
Server = (Pick the Server Closest to you)
Port = 5029
Finally, Commit & Push the Repo to Heroku
git add .
git commit -am "Heroku Initial Upload"
git push heroku
After Enabling your Worker/Web Dyno in the Resources tab, your Server should Start
If using LocalToNet, your Server's IP Address will be found at