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@github-actions github-actions released this 01 Apr 20:25
· 383 commits to master since this release


  • Breaking: Renamed the static markedEpochTime variable to markedLocalEpochTime.
    • This was sometimes used in "complex" loops. Code utilizing it will have to be changed.
    • This is part of the effort to clarify where localized and UTC time are being used.
      We recommend a logger's real time clock always be set in UTC and then localized for printing and storing data.
  • Breaking: Renamed the function setNowEpoch(uint32_t) to setNowUTCEpoch(uint32_t).
    • Although public, this was never intended to be used externally.
  • Breaking: Renamed the YosemiTech Y550 COD sensor as Y551. See below.
  • Potentially Breaking: Changed the default "button" interrupt pin mode from INPUT_PULLUP to INPUT and created optional arguments to the setTestingModePin and setLoggerPins functions to specify the pin mode and pull-up resistor state.
    • INPUT is the proper mode for the Mayfly.
      The Mayfly has an external pull down on the button pin with the button being active high.
      This means having the pull-up resistors on negates the button signal.
      The pin mode had been set as INPUT_PULLUP for the button, backwards for the Mayfly, since July of 2017.
      By some electrical luck, with the 0.x versions of the Mayfly, the external pull-down on the button pin was strong enough to out-weigh the incorretly activated pull-up resistors and an interrupt was still registered when the button was pressed.
      With a different pull-down resistor on the Mayfly 1.x, the button no longer registers with the pull-up resistors active.
      So, for most of our users with Mayflies, this will be a fix.
      But for anyone using a different board/processor/button configuration that depended on the processor pull-up resistors, this will be a breaking change and they will need to specify the button mode in the setTestingModePin or setLoggerPins function to return to the previous behavior.
  • Added a longer warm up time and removed some of the modem set-up to work with the ESP-IDF AT firmware versions >2.0
  • Made sure that all example clock synchronization happens at noon instead of midnight.
  • Renamed Classes: Renamed several classes for internal consistency.
    These are not breaking changes at this time; the old class names are still usable.
    • Rename class MPL115A2 to FreescaleMPL115A2
    • Rename class MPL115A2_Pressure to FreescaleMPL115A2_Pressure
    • Rename class MPL115A2_Temp to FreescaleMPL115A2_Temp
    • Rename class TIINA219_Volt to TIINA219_Voltage
    • Rename class PaleoTerraRedox_Volt to PaleoTerraRedox_Voltage
    • Rename class ExternalVoltage to TIADS1x15
    • Rename class ExternalVoltage_Volt to TIADS1x15_Voltage
  • Documentation: Migrated to latest version of Doxygen (1.9.3).


  • Sensor Added support for the YosemiTech Y551 COD Sensor, which makes a UV254 light absorption and translates it to estimates of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) (or Total Organic Carbon (TOC)) and Turbidity.
    • NOTE that this upgrade removes the earlier Y550 from the library, as it was never tested and is no longer available form YosemiTech. If anyone has a Y550 sensor, the Y551 commands should work. Let us know if they don't.
  • Sensor Added support for the YosemiTech Y560 Ammonium Probe, which is a mini sonde for three Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) sensors (pH, NH4+, K+) that together are used to provide a corrected estimate of total ammonium nitrogen (NH4_N) in mg/L.
    • NOTE that this release only includes outputs for NH4_N, pH, and temperature. A future release will also include estimates of potassium (K) and raw potential values from each of the electrodes.
  • Sensor Added support for the SDI-12 In-Situ Level TROLL 400, 500 & 700 Data Loggers
  • Sensor Added support for the Sensirion SHT40 relative humidity and temperature sensor
  • Sensor Added support for the Everlight ALS-PT19 ambient light sensor
  • Sensor Added support for the Bosch SensorTec BMP388 and BMP390 pressure sensors



  • Fixed memory leak for AOSong AM2315 thanks to @neilh10