Analysis software for TTbar+X differential cross section analysis (TOP-12-042)
To setup the stand-alone version of the code:
# this section will be revisited, please use CMSSW setup for now
# get the code from the repository
git clone AnalysisSoftware
cd AnalysisSoftware
# on DICE need to source ROOT:
# source /software/root/v5.32.00/bin/
# create the makefile using cmake (install it if you don't have it:
# minimal cmake version 2.6.0 according to CMakeLists.txt
cmake CMakeLists.txt
#on DICE use cmake28
# cmake28 CMakeLists.txt
# for older versions of boost, e.g. on DICE, you will need to
#sed -i 's/lib64\/lib64/lib64/g' ./CMakeFiles/AnalysisSoftware.dir/build.make
#sed -i 's/lib64\/lib64/lib64/g' ./CMakeFiles/AnalysisSoftware.dir/link.txt
# as the library path is wrong (contains lib64/lib64)
# compile and build
make -j24
# adjust the toolsFolder environment variable
export toolsFolder=$PWD/
# For Run2 50ns only you need to produce the PU file first!
export PATH=/software/miniconda/bin:$PATH
source activate dps
python python/
source deactivate
# test run the code:
nohup ./AnalysisSoftware python/ &> test.log &
To setup the code using CMSSW:
. /cvmfs/
# This version comes with ROOT 6.02/05
scram p -n CMSSW_7_5_0_AS CMSSW_7_5_0
cd CMSSW_7_5_0_AS/src/
# initialise CMS git
git cms-init
# get the code from the repository
git clone BristolAnalysis/Tools
cd BristolAnalysis/Tools
# get submodules:
git submodule init && git submodule update
cd -
ln -s BristolAnalysis/Tools/external/TopQuarkAnalysis TopQuarkAnalysis
# compile
scram b -j2
hash -r #or rehash in case that BAT cannot be found
# test run the code:
nohup BAT BristolAnalysis/Tools/python/ &> test.log &
This is not needed for CMSSW setup
mkdir /software
cd /software
tar xzf clhep-
mkdir /software/
cd /software/
cmake /software/
make jobs=2
make install
If you want like to use Eclipse for the development of the code, initial
project files are provided in the eclipse/
folder. You can copy them into
the main directory (example for OS X):
# in AnalysisSoftware folder
cp eclipse/.project.osx .project
cp eclipse/.cproject.osx .cproject
cp eclipse/.pydevproject.osx .pydevproject
A code style prescription is also available in eclipse/Bristol_C++_CodeStyle.xml
You should import it under Preferences->C/C++->Code Style->Formatter
More information can be found at Bristol Analysis Tools twiki page
Install boost and boost python using homebrew:
brew install boost boost-python --c++11
You might find yourself running into a compilation problem as described in issue #115.
The solution is to replace (in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers/pyport.h
#undef isalnum
#define isalnum(c) iswalnum(btowc(c))
#ifdef isalpha
#define isalpha(c) iswalpha(btowc(c))
#undef islower
#define islower(c) iswlower(btowc(c))
#undef isspace
#define isspace(c) iswspace(btowc(c))
#undef isupper
#define isupper(c) iswupper(btowc(c))
#undef tolower
#define tolower(c) towlower(btowc(c))
#undef toupper
#define toupper(c) towupper(btowc(c))
#ifdef isalnum
#undef isalnum
#define isalnum(c) iswalnum(btowc(c))
#ifdef isalpha
#undef isalpha
#define isalpha(c) iswalpha(btowc(c))
#ifdef islower
#undef islower
#define islower(c) iswlower(btowc(c))
#ifdef isspace
#undef isspace
#define isspace(c) iswspace(btowc(c))
#ifdef isupper
#undef isupper
#define isupper(c) iswupper(btowc(c))
#ifdef tolower
#undef tolower
#define tolower(c) towlower(btowc(c))
#ifdef toupper
#undef toupper
#define toupper(c) towupper(btowc(c))
Once the software is set up one can use HTCondor to submit jobs to a cluster. Instructions for this can be found in condor/
Please report any problems on our issues page.
Running all tests
make test
# or
./AnalysisSoftware_test --log_level=message
Running a specific test suite:
./AnalysisSoftware_test --log_level=message --run_test=DataTypeTests
Running a specific test:
./AnalysisSoftware_test --log_level=message --run_test=DataTypeTests/NoAmbiguousMappingHard
Python tests require nose
to be installed:
pip install nose --upgrade
You can then run the tests with:
time nosetests -v test/*.py