Library for managing and writing git hooks in Python
Several outstanding libraries for managing and executing git hooks already exist. To name few: husky, lint-staged, precise-commits or pre-commit.
But either they need another interpreter besides python (like husky) or they are too ambiguous (like pre-commit). pre-commit is written in python but has support hooks written in all kind of languages. Also it maintains the dependencies by itself and doesn't install in the current environment.
Autohooks is a pure python library that installs a minimal executable git hook. If autohooks isn't installed in your current python path the hooks aren't executed. So autohooks is always opt-in by installing the package into your current development environment. It would be even possible to run different versions of autohooks by switching the environment.
Autohooks doesn't interfere with your work. If autohooks can't be run or fails executing a plugin, an error is shown only and the git hook will proceed.
For the installation of autohooks three steps are necessary:
- Install the autohooks package into your current environment
- Activate the git hooks
- Configure the plugins to be run
For installing the autohooks python package, using pipenv is highly recommended.
To install autohooks as a development dependency run
pipenv install --dev autohooks
Alternatively autohooks can be installed directly from GitHub
pipenv install --dev -e git+
If autohooks is installed from git or a source tarball, the git hooks should be
activated automatically. The activation can be verified by running e.g.
autohooks check
Installing autohooks from a wheel package will NOT activate the git commit hooks.
To manually activate the git hooks you can run
pipenv run autohooks activate
To actually run an action on git hooks, autohooks plugins have to be installed and configured. To install e.g. python linting via pylint run
pipenv install --dev autohooks-plugin-pylint
Autohooks uses the pyproject.toml file specified in PEP518 for its configuration. Adding a [tool.autohooks] section allows to set python modules to be run on a specific git hook.
Example pyproject.toml:
requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
pre-commit = [""]
Using pipenv allows to install all dependencies and tools with a specific version into a virtual, easily removable Python environment. Therefore it's best to maintain autohooks also via pipenv. Because it is not required to build or run your software, it should be installed as a development dependency. Installing and activating autohooks doesn't actually run any check or formatting by itself. Therefore, it is required to choose and install a plugin.
If all these tasks have been resolved, the developers are able to install and activate autohooks with only one single command from your project's git repository:
pipenv install --dev
Because virtual environments are used for all dependencies including
autohooks, the linting, formatting, etc. can only by done when running
git commit
within the virtual environment.
$ cd myproject
$ pipenv install --dev
$ pipenv shell
(myproject)$ git commit
The advantage of this process is, if the user is not running git commit
the active virtual environment, autohooks and its plugins are not executed.
$ cd myproject
$ git commit
This allows the user to choose whether to execute the hooks by activating the virtual environment or to ignore them by deactivating it.
This project is maintained by Greenbone Networks GmbH.
Your contributions are highly appreciated. Please create a pull request on GitHub. Bigger changes need to be discussed with the development team via the issues section at GitHub first.
Copyright (C) 2019 Greenbone Networks GmbH
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.