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@github-actions github-actions released this 14 Jan 11:59

Archive had to be repacked, because I messed up workflow process and style file ended up in another archive :C


  • Version reported by the -v --version flag will now include git commit hash if the commit used for build wasn't tagged.
  • Default .css style is now automatically compiled from .scss to reduce the amount of syntax errors and ease the maintenance.
  • (CSS) Deprecated@define-colors and SCSS color definitions in favor of the CSS variables.
  • (CSS) New boolean flags for .scss to toggle visibility of some elements.
  • (CSS) Dimmed border accent color, reduced font size and changed volume bar color into a gradient, this should provide a slightly more interesting result with different accents.


  • Integration with system accent color setting through XDG Desktop Portal.
    Requires Accent feature to be included at compile time, compatible xdg-desktop-portal set and running for org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Settings (like xdg-desktop-portal-kde) and -C or --accent flag.
  • New sidebar to quickly swap between audio outputs.
  • .sass and .scss styles will be compiled using the system sass compiler binary if Sass feature was not enabled at the compile time. Style compilation time is much longer, but the resulting binary is around 2mb smaller in size. (


  • Layershell initialization before window is realized, which could prevent a successful launch under certain conditions.
  • Missing bracket in the default .scss style.
  • Audio server connection is now cleanly terminated when window is closed or if process recieves SIGINT signal. (should cure the sound popping)