a simple swift client to easily work with the universalis.app api
This package closely matches the official API documentation which you can find here: https://docs.universalis.app
- Xcode -> File -> Add Package Dependency
- paste this repository url:
- Add Package
add this dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/Eisenhuth/universalis-swift", branch: "master")
import Foundation
import universalis_swift
let universalis = UniversalisClient()
you can request single items or multiple items at the same time
let single = await universalis.getCurrentData(worldDcRegion: "Europe", itemId: 5)
print("average price: \(single.result?.averagePrice.rounded() ?? 0) gil")
let multi = await universalis.getCurrentData(worldDcRegion: "Europe", itemIds: [2, 3, 4, 5])
print("ItemId: \($0.itemID) - listings: \($0.listingsCount)")
works just like current data
let historySingle = await universalis.getHistory(worldDcRegion: "Europe", itemId: 5)
let historyMulti = await universalis.getHistory(worldDcRegion: "Europe", itemIds: [2, 3, 4, 5])
let aggregated = await universalis.getAggregatedData(worldDcRegion: "Europe", itemIds: [2, 3, 4, 5])
if let cheapestWorld = $0.nq?.minListing?.region {
let worldName = worlds.result?.first { $0.id == cheapestWorld.worldId }?.name ?? "no name"
print("ItemId: \($0.itemId) - cheapest world: \(worldName) - \(cheapestWorld.price) gil")
Be aware that almost everything in the returned Aggregated Data is optional.
you can use the built-in queries or provide your own [URLQueryItems]
, they function the same
let monthInSeconds = 86400 * 30
let example1 = await universalis.getCurrentData(worldDcRegion: "Europe", itemId: 5, queries: [
let example2 = await universalis.getCurrentData(worldDcRegion: "Europe", itemId: 5, queryItems: [
URLQueryItem(name: "listings", value: "\(10)"),
URLQueryItem(name: "entriesWithin", value: "\(monthInSeconds)")
example1.result?.listings?.forEach({ listing in
print("\(listing.pricePerUnit) - \(listing.quantity) - \(listing.retainerCityName) - \(listing.worldName ?? "")")
print("same: \(example1.result?.averagePrice == example2.result?.averagePrice)")
print(example1.result?.averagePrice.rounded() ?? 0)
print(example2.result?.averagePrice.rounded() ?? 0)
let marketableItems = await universalis.getMarketableItems()
let dataCenters = await universalis.getDataCenters()
let worlds = await universalis.getWorlds()
let taxRates = await universalis.getTaxRates(world: "Phoenix")
let uploadsByWorld = await universalis.getUploadsByWorld()
let uploadsByApplication = await universalis.getUploadsByApplication()
let uploadsPerDay = await universalis.getUploadsPerDay()