The aim of this project is ease the implementation of a node.js based cli.
The core concept is based on the cli-ify.yml file where commands, options and modules are declared.
This is where the settings, commands and options are declared.
This is where how the look of the cli will be set.
Here is an example of a working settings:
label: ' '
delimiter: ' '
silly: rainbow
input: grey
verbose: blue
prompt: cyan
info: green
data: grey
help: cyan
warn: yellow
debug: blue
error: red
The theme section here set the colors of the different log level.
Commands are declared in the commands section, which is an array of objects.
- ex1:
description: An example of command
module: ./modules/ex1.js
Each item of commands being an object, each item's key is the command name and each item's value is an object itself, which for clarity will be named command entity.
The command entity should at least contain two value.
It is a string explaining what the command does
It is a string indicating the relative path to a js file.
This js file should contain an exported callback function.
The callback function takes as first argument an object which contains the data from standard input
The second argument is an object containing utilities like looger, spinnerFactory and dependencies.
Here is what a module could look like:
module.exports = async(arg, { logger, spinnerFactory, dependencies }) => {
const { apiClient } = dependencies;
const spinner = spinnerFactory.create('Loading data ...');
const data = await apiClient.getData();;
For a more practical approach, please refer to the examples